Bank Your Vote

For the 2024 election we are launching a major initiative to encourage all Republicans to register to receive a mail in ballot or to vote early. 

We Republicans have resisted these voting methods in the past because of fraud concerns. Those concerns are certainly valid, but in order to change the way our elections are run, we must first win elections under current State laws. 

Democrats have used these methods to great advantage over the last few election cycles while we operated last-minute “Get Out The Vote” campaigns to urge our voters to show up at the polls on election day.

Our efforts to GOTV for the 2024 election begin right now.  To ensure maximum participation we encourage you to sign up now for a mail-in ballot.

The form at the MD Board of Elections (BOE) site works best with a laptop but you can use your phone if you enable cookies. 


Important Note:

Be sure to indicate that you want to receive your ballot by mail, not by email. (An emailed ballot will need to be re-entered by BOE personnel, thus it will be counted last, much like a provisional ballot.)

If you prefer a paper form, you can download the pdf form HEREand then return the form to the Board of Elections.