News Corner

We Stand With You

By Dennis Melby

Part of our American Experience is welcoming legal immigrants. So many are now Republican voters. And so many are confused. They often fled horrible circumstances in their home country-fleeing socialism, communism, one party dictatorship, failing schools, crime, poverty and perverse government policies.

And now many of them are perplexed – what are you doing to your own country, they say. Hatred based on skin color, gender, income, religion and so much more. It’s what we left and you’re encouraging that same hatred and division here.

We get the same stories from new Republicans from Africa, China, North Korea and throughout the Latino and Hispanic world. And we hear you. We’ll stand up for what’s right, what’s true and what’s good. And if we have to stand alone so be it,  …but that’s not the case. More and more folks are joining us and standing up to those who’d like to “reimagine America” out of existence.

Thanks for joining us and standing with us.

We stand with you.


Dennis Melby is the Vice Chairman of the Montgomery County Maryland Republican Party and can be reached at [email protected]

More Crime in MoCo


MoCo Crime Beat
Throughout Montgomery County, the elevated rate of thefts from vehicles continues to pose a major problem. In the dozens of thefts reported in a one-week span, hardly any include suspect information. Thefts and attempted thefts of the cars themselves have also skyrocketed. Fourteen of these occurred in the 4th District (Wheaton) alone. 

The number of reported residential robberies also appears to be rising, with three taking place in Silver Spring between April 23 and April 29.
Some recent highlights:

Please Sir, May I have Another; Part Deux !

What Marc Elrich, “Senator” Will Jawando and Kristin Mink, will cost you in CASH when you buy a home.

Can’t get enough of Kevin Bacon? Neither can we. But wait, there’s more!


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Montgomery County Republican Party