December Chairman’s Message
By Mark Uncapher, MCGOP Chairman
I want to thank my fellow central committee members for giving me the opportunity to again lead our party in Montgomery County. Next year, in addition to our primary focus on reelecting Governor Larry Hogan, we will be selecting most of our state and county officials. The results of this election will determine the direction of our state and county for years to come.
Read moreNovember Chairman's Message
By Richard (Dick) Jurgena
Chairman, MCGOP
As Chairman, I am so proud of the accomplishments of our Central Committee over the past 10 months. While we have a long way to go to accomplish our goals of reelecting Governor Larry Hogan to a second term, electing at least two Montgomery County Republicans to the State Assembly, electing a county Republican to Congress, and electing Republicans to the County Council and Executive, I believe we have made substantial progress and are in better standing than we have been in years.
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