MoCo Business Owner Speaks Out Against Council Propsal to Fund Legal Aid for Illegal Alliens

By Reardon Sullivan

Dear Existing Montgomery County Council:

I would like to lend my voice to that of Mr. McHugh [Mongtomery County Young Republicans Chair, emphasis added] in opposition to the Montgomery Council's proposed action to fund lawyers for illegal aliens.

I am a resident of Darnestown, homeowner and independent business owner for over 20 years employing 40 law abiding county resident.

Given the local economic climate per David Blair and the Washington Post article here, the idea that this County Executive and Council would use my tax dollars to fund legal cost for illegal is truly insane.  

Speaking for many local businesses, this proposed action does not represent our best interest, the interest of my staff, family or community. I can’t see the business community supporting this action or those that vote for it.

It appears that the current leadership in Montgomery County has created an economic climate that is unfriendly to business, voted for an 8.7% tax increase, takes over $700,000 in taxpayer money to finance their campaigns and now plans to spend $373,000 to defend illegals.

Please advise how this proposed action will help the residents of Montgomery County.

I would appreciate the courtesy of a written response.


Reardon D. Sullivan, P.E., LEED AP


WFT Engineering, Inc.

Rockville, MD 

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