2020 Convention Sponsorships
Select Your Sponsorship Choice on the right side of this window !
Host Committee - $500
- 1 Ticket each to Breakfast and Lunch
- Half Page Ad in Program
- Committee will be recognized
Event Sponsor - $1000
- 2 Tickets each to Breakfast and Lunch
- Full Page Ad in Program
- Sponsor will be recognized
Breakfast Sponsor - $1500
- 10 Tickets to Breakfast
- Full Page Ad in Program
- Sponsor will be recognized
Lunch Sponsor - $1500
- 5 Tickets to Lunch
- Full Page Ad in Program
- Sponsor will be recognized
Convention Sponsor - $2500
- 5 Tickets each to Breakfast and Lunch
- Full Page Inside Cover Ad
- Sponsor will be recognized
Chairman's Club Convention Sponsor - $5000
- 10 Tickets each to Breakfast* andLunch*
*2 of your 10 Breakfast and Lunch tickets respectively will be seats at the head table - Full Page Back Cover Ad
- One Exhibitor Table
- Sponsor will be recognized
- 10 Tickets each to Breakfast* andLunch*
Contact Dennis Melby if you have questions