By Lori Jaffe (With apologies to Clement C. Moore)
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land,
Preparations were made for the time was at hand.
The packages were waiting for all to partake,
Sweet pies in the oven continued to bake.
The stockings were stuffed with all kinds of toys,
Just waiting for Christmas and good girls and boys.
I live not far from a town in DC,
A place long beleaguered by local gentry.
But you made your voice heard, and now it would happen,
Our dear 45 would become 47!
Oh, could it be true?
Could it really be?
I called up the White House to ask, just to see.
A kindly old servant quickly answered the phone.
“Joe Biden’s away at his Delaware home.
But in a few weeks, your man will be back,
So I’ll order McDonald’s with several Big Macs!”
I thanked him and sighed and got ready for bed,
My mind was at peace, and not filled with dread.
When out on the lawn there arose a commotion,
What it could be, I did not have a notion.
As I looked out the window, I saw something bright,
Trump Force One was enroute, jetting into the night!
I could hear a voice call, as it flew through the air
“On Elon, On Vivek, to show that we care!
We’ll get right to work without any delay
To help our country be greater one day!
I closed up the window and smiled to myself,
This was better than seeing a jolly old elf!
And so, contented, I went to my room.
A feeling of bliss had cut through the gloom.
New promise, new hope, I could look forward to,
For all in our country and especially you.
Lori Jaffe is the Party Secretary for the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee, volunteer coordinator and Member of the Executive Board. She can be reached at [email protected]