About The MoCo Conservative

There is a clear lack of diversity of thought in the D.C. Metro Area. The advent of technology has made the cancel culture mob even more vengeful as Democrat operatives order their minions and tech soldiers to dig through social media accounts of suspected free thinkers and conservatives.

The sole intent of these operatives is to destroy livelihoods and eviscerate reputations in supposedly “tolerant” D.C.-area communities led by the Democrat majority.

So, how can everyday citizens fight back? Named after and located in its namesake (Montgomery County, MD) I created The MoCo Conservative blog to solve a problem that many conservatives and independents are facing: their voices and influence have been diminished by the “woke mob” and they remain silent for fear of retaliation. The goal of my blog is to provide a “safe” space for those same targeted individuals to express their thoughts, concerns, and opinions anonymously (or named, should they choose that path). I only have two requirements (for now): the contributors must live in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, D.C. and it must be original content. All but one of the blog’s commentaries have come from anonymous and named contributors and whistleblowers; I’ll let you figure out which one came from me.

I must be doing something right (pun intended): established in August 2020, my blog and new podcast have reached almost 100,000 people in the Beltway through social media, including over 30,000 individual blog views. My blog is a social and technological experiment in exercising the First Amendment of the Constitution as a private citizen, with no allegiances or affiliations except to this country. I am an independent, conservative, free thinker who sees that the Republic as I know it is being attacked by those put in positions of authority by the ignorant and intolerant liberal majority.

Debate is not illegal. Listening to opposing viewpoints is not illegal. Yet, the mainstream propaganda networks effortlessly manipulate public perception to make it so that people who question the narrative can be justifyingly and publicly shamed, ridiculed, and targeted for thinking differently. I refuse to bow down to the technocracy and cancel culture, the same way that I refuse to tolerate intolerance. I encourage you to do the same.


Interested in contributing? E-mail us at [email protected] and visit us at www.mococonservative.com to learn more.

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