Action Needed! Senate Bill 85
A hearing on Senate Bill 85 is scheduled for 1pm Tuesday February 9, 2021, in the Education, Health, and Environment Affairs committee.
Senate Bill 85:
Establishes a Governor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs.
The office will establish a “network of neighborhood-based opportunity centers” that provide immigration services to illegal and legal aliens.
The office will assist illegal and legal aliens with matters relating to immigration status which includes helping DACA individuals with their applications.
The office will coordinate with other state agencies to use state resources to serve the needs of illegal and legal aliens.
Simply copy and paste the following text, insert the last name of the Democrat Senator in the beginning, insert your name and address at the end, and send to the Democrat State Senators on the EHE committee listed below.
Subject: Senate Bill 85 - No!!
Dear Senator XXXXXXX,
I am opposed to the proposed Senate Bill 85 for the following reasons:
Instituting policies to direct resources to illegal aliens will result in Maryland becoming a magnet for more illegal immigration which results in higher costs of living, reduced job availability, lower wages, overcrowded public schools and higher crime rates.
This bill will shift the costs of illegal immigration onto Maryland citizens.
Services like the ones in the Governor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs are generally not available to citizens in the state and providing them to illegal aliens is unfair to citizens who must pay out of their own pockets.
I ask that you please report Senate Bill 85 unfavorably.
Thank you very much!
XX Your Name XX
XX Your Address XX
Democrat Senators on the EHE Committee:
Paul G. Pinsky (Chair) [email protected]
Cheryl C. Kagan (Vice Chair) (MoCo LD 17)
Arthur Ellis [email protected]
Katie Fry Hester [email protected]
Clarence K. Lam [email protected]
Obie Patterson [email protected]
Mary Washington [email protected]
You may also wish to contact the Republican Senators on the EHE Committee:
Mary Beth Carozza [email protected]
Jason C. Gallion [email protected]
Edward R. Reilly [email protected]
Bryan W. Simonaire (Minority Leader)
Thank you very much for making your voice heard.
Numbers count.
Your voice Counts!