By Dennis Melby
Is your head spinning? Mine is. It’s hard to keep up with all the changes so rapidly happening in politics today.
I’d like to be on the beach with a cold drink listening to the waves – but I’m watching the Conventions and trying to figure out who’ll be the best candidate to put us back on a path to safety, sanity and prosperity.
If you think August is a slow relaxing month, think again. Look at our schedule – we’ve got a lot going on. After all, it’s not election day anymore, it goes from late September to November 5, with ballot county days after that.
Two big things for your local Republican leadership. I’ve scheduled a vote for August 20 on our stand on a Maryland Constitutional Reproductive Rights Amendment and a Montgomery County Charter Term Limit Amendment. Read the Amendments. How should we vote? Give me your thoughts.
And scan though ALL these August events, we’re so active, there’s something for everyone.
Dennis Melby
MCGOP Chairman
Tell me what you think at [email protected]
The State Amendment is called the Right to Reproductive Freedom. Read more about it in this newsletter. Although framed as an abortion amendment, many Marylanders feel it’s only a charade to drive voters to the polls and will greatly diminish the protections kids and their parents have in this push to allow kids to make medical choices without parental involvement.
The County Charter amendment is the Two Terms for the County Executive (2T) initiative. With 20,000 mostly Democrat signatures it would limit any Montgomery County Executive to two consecutive terms – like the US President and the MD Governor. It would even let that County Executive come back for another term in 4 years.
I’ll ask the Central Committee to either support, oppose, or remain neutral on these amendments – thus advising voters to do the same. Don’t worry, the Democrats will vote Yes on the First and No on the second. It’s in their best interest to do that – they do normally protect their own (Not that President Biden would say that out loud, but I digress.)