Brigitta Mullican Candidate for Rockville City Council

City of Rockville Election will be the first jurisdiction in Maryland to conduct a Vote by Mail election. On or before October 11, ballots will be mailed to every registered voter living within Rockville city limits.  One Mayor and four councilmembers will be elected for a 4-year term.

Brigitta Mullican, a 54-year Rockville resident is running for Rockville City Council. Brigitta, a strong conservative, has been engaged regularly in city affairs for decades. She has testified knowledgeably and regularly in all manner of city and community topics.  She also has testified in Annapolis the past two years against the State Sanctuary Bills. This year she also testified on the Rank Choice Voting and the Assisted Suicide Bills.

Brigitta became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1968 while attending Richard Montgomery High School.  She has been civically minded and engaged in improving her community for decades.  She immigrated with her family to America from Germany, lived in Columbus, GA and Charlotte, NC before coming to Rockville, Maryland.  Upon turning 18 she made the decision to become a U.S. citizen. Once a U.S. citizen, she wasted no time becoming civically active.

In the 1980s Brigitta served on the Rockville Sister City Task Force, the Richard Montgomery High School PTA and Booster Club, and joined the Twinbrook Citizens Association.  In the 1990s, she continued her community involvement with the Alliance for Rockville Citizens, served on the Rockville Planning Commission for seven years and acquired extensive training through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service division.  She was a budget officer for the Office of Disability, President’s Council on Bioethics, and Center for Faith Base and Community Initiative. She retired as a budget officer after 36 years of Federal government service.

Once the 2000s hit, Brigitta was well-regarded as a true proponent for the “every-person” citizen—tirelessly advocating for the public good.  She served on the Rockville Board of Supervisors of Elections, became an active member of the Montgomery County League of Women Voters serving as treasurer for two years, and the Montgomery County Taxpayer’s League serving as Chief Election Judge for Primary and General Elections was the Vice President of the Twinbrook Swimming Pool Board, and completed the Montgomery County Senior Leadership Class of 2017.  Currently she is following the newly formed Twinbrook Village organization which is to help senior age in place and connect young and old to work together.

Brigitta friends say her extensive experience in all levels of our community uniquely qualifies her to serve successfully on the Rockville City Council. Brigitta has the passion and is uniquely qualified to move Rockville forward in a positive way—to bring common sense back to its beloved city’s government.”

To learn more about Brigitta, please visit her website:


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