Changes in Leadership
The new year brought leadership changes to the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee with the election of Reardon "Sully" Sullivan as the 2021 Chair.
Anne Koutsoutis and Lori Jaffe were reelected as First Vice Chair and Secretary, and former Chair Alexander Bush was elected Second Vice Chair. Scott Cotter followed long term Treasurer Don Irvine as 2021 Treasurer. Greg Decker continues his service as the Chair of GOP Legislative District 39, and Dennis Melby, 2020 Chair welcomed Reardon with best wishes and a promise of support and cooperation.
Reardon emphasized his desire to ramp up for the 2022 elections, and to maintain the positive momentum of the county Republican party, the biggest in the State of Maryland. He stressed the importance of welcoming new Republicans, outreach and the need for greater voter registration, the desire for a higher level of digital communication and a greater commitment to neighborhood activities.
The new Republican leadership stands ready to fight the far-left tendencies of the County government as they continue to develop expensive social programs, defund our police, water-down public education, gerrymander county council districts and force the cost on to a public already burdened with high taxes, low business creation and a continued lack of in-person public education.
We’re looking forward to moving forward in 2021.