By Gail Weiss

Honestly. I wish everyone would just stop with all this ridiculousness. 🤪

First of all, Trump WILL NOT NAME his pick until the conventionPeriod

WHY would he name anyone until the very LATEST point in time possible,  when he can keep them all dancing on the head of a pin, 'auditioning' for the slot by campaigning their asses off for him? 

Answer - he wouldn't, because he's not stupid.

SECOND of all, does anyone really believe that anyone is going to vote for Trump over Biden because his VP pick represents a demographic or a state? 

Can ANYONE TRULY HONESTLY picture anyone you know who is 'on the fence' between these two (or is even opposed to Trump) saying "Oh, thank goodness, he picked _____ as VP so now I can vote for Trump!" ?!? 

I certainly can't picture that.

But the 'pundits' keep saying it. (His pick has to bring in 'new' voters) 🤷‍♀️

THE ONLY importance IMO - and it is of HUGE importance - that the VP pick has, is to be the person who he thinks will have the greatest chance to get elected in '28 AND in '32.

And to pick someone who WON'T 'Pence' him and who also will be Trump 2.0 and NOT be a deepstate RINO (to the degree that is possible) in the future.

I'm seeing things this way:

This election is like Game 3 of a Stanley Cup playoffs and our side is down 2 games to nothing. 

We lose game 3 and it's ALL OVER. 

But to win the Cup we have to win the next THREE in a ROW, at least, to win the cup!

If we only win in 2024 it will just delay our demise by 4 years. 

We have to win for the next 12 years to get some sanity back, by first getting it back into the public education pipeline (think: Hillsdale College classical knowledge) to educate enough of an entire GENERATION of voters,  in order to have a chance.  

That is how I see it. 

That's why I'm thinking maybe someone like Pompeo as vp. There are probably other good choices. But I’m not convinced they are any of the names currently being floated. We’ll see. 

I hope he picks (can find!) anyone who has the special sauce of someone who: 

  1. has magnetism (that voters view as GENUINE, as they do with Trump) and
  2. the FIGHT (that Trump has) and 
  3. who is not compromised or compromising (like Trump), and
  4. has the political instincts of TRUMP and NOT of the cancerous hand-wringers or pearl-clutchers of “The Establishment” which is what has been complicit in leading America to this insane precipice.

Then America MIGHT survive. 

Who has that toughness?

Who is that genuine?

Who is that much of a FIGHTER?

Who are we certain is NOT a RINO or has been or could be compromised by any entities? 


Gail Weiss is a former member of the MCGOP and was an Alternate At-Large Delegate for Trump from Maryland in 2020. She is currently an Alternate Delegate for Trump from FL CD-01.


Montgomery County Republican Party