Convention Delegation from our County

So many of our fellow Republicans worked hard to support our Republican Party’s Presidential nominee at the GOP Convention this year. Whether their names appeared on the 2020 Primary Election ballot or as Central Committee members at our MDGOP 2020 virtual convention they were chosen for the great duty and honor of confirming incumbent President Donald J. Trump’s second election nomination.  They are:

David Bossie, National Committeeman

CD3 - Alternate Delegate, Anne Koutsoutis, MCGOP Central Committee

CD8 - Delegates Ruth Melson and Mark Uncapher

Alternate Delegate, Pat Fenati, MCGOP Central Committee

At-Large Delegates:

Marcus Alzona, MCGOP Central Committee

Amie Hoeber, former CD6 GOP Congressional candidate

Maria Sofia, President of MD Young Republicans (MDYRs)

Josephine Wang, MCGOP Central Committee

At-Large Alternate Delegates:

Michael Higgs, MCGOP Central Committee

Dwight Patel, MCGOP Central Committee

Gail Weiss, MCGOP Central Committee, President Potomac Women’s Republican Club

Although many of us voted for them they’re not able to attend the Convention. Out of an abundance of caution the Party has cancelled the in-person part, scaled it way back because of the Covid 19 crisis we’re all fighting. They’ll probably be doing “virtual” support. We do thank them though, for being in the arena, and willing to take on that big commitment of travel and treasure.  Thank you to the Montgomery County GOP Delegation.

Montgomery County Republican Party