Volunteers Needed for MCGOP Booth at County Fair

Volunteers Needed for MCGOP Booth - Montgomery County Ag Fair - August 13-21

Many supporters have been contacting MCGOP HQ asking about opportunities to volunteer their time to publicly promote our conservative issues and candidates. Your time has arrived, so mark your calendars!  The MCGOP will be hosting a "Welcome Center Booth" at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair (MCAF) in Gaithersburg, August 13 - 21.  We will be distributing MCGOP issue flyers, candidate literature and treats, signing up new members and taking donations, registering new voters, as well as answering questions on key issues (with our help) and why we are proud to be Republicans!  
The MCAF is open from 10AM thru late evening, so we will require numerous volunteers to handle morning, afternoon and evening shifts. We will soon be posting a "Signup Genius" link on MCGOP.com website where you can select the days and hours which fits your unique schedule. Help the MCGOP make this a successful event and enjoy the MCAF while you are there! For questions or information about how to volunteer contact Martha Schaeer at [email protected]
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