County Republicans in the News

More young Republican leaders -

-Jackie Sackstein, Ryan Gniadek and Patricia Rogers

-Brigitta Mullican makes masks

-Shop the Maryland Republican store


More Young Leadership

Last month we featured Maria Sophia, Matthew Foldi, Evan Young, Chris Thoms, Matt Johnson and Chairman Alexander Bush for their great, young Republican leadership from right here in Montgomery County, Maryland.  Well, we’ve got even more! Whew.

Jackie Sackstein of Potomac was recently elected as National Committeewoman of the Maryland Young Republicans, and in 2019 she was appointed Executive Director of the Montgomery County Republican Club.

  Ryan Gniadek is Data Director for the Maryland Republican Party where and serves on their Technology Committee. Ryan is also 2nd Vice President of the Montgomery County Republican Club. Involved in Maryland Republican politics since 2015 he’s participated in field and digital operations for numerous campaigns at the federal, state, and local level. In 2016, Ryan founded the Montgomery County Federation of Teenage Republicans. In 2017 he received the Al Bullock Youth of the Year Award from the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee. Currently he’s studying Computer Science at Virginia Tech.   

  Patricia Rogers of Wheaton, a new Republican living in District 18 just ran for the United States Congress in the 2020 primary.  She is an immigrant who grew up in Olde Town Gaithersburg and presently works at NASA Goddard as a contractor.


Brigitta Mullican Makes Masks


Buy a Mask – Support Donald Trump

During the COVID-10 shutdown and since April 10, I have been sewing washable masks.  At this writing, I have finished 935 masks! For these masks, I asked for donations to "Manna Food Center", "Meals on Wheels" and the "Gabriel Project (helps pregnant women).  It has been a very successful project in receiving these charitable donations for good causes.

Now I have 36 GOP masks for donations and I am asking for a donation of at least $10 for one mask. The donations will go to the Trump Campaign. If you are interested in one of these masks, please contact me at [email protected] or 301-230-0890. Payment is to the Trump campaign

Here is what the mask looks like.

You can also view my other washable masks at

Let us show our support to President Trump with the donation of one of these masks.

We want President Trump to be re-elected in November. Thank you.


Brigitta Mullican is a member of the Potomac Republican Women’s Club and a former candidate for the Rockville City Council.



Another way to Donate and Get Stuff!

The Maryland Republican Party has plenty of merchandise and proceeds support the Party.

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