Do you vote the way you live?
- Do you run up bills and then demand someone else pay them? If your answer is “no”, why would you vote for a government that does?
- Do you teach your kids to be self-reliant and independent? Then why vote for politicians who back programs that keep people dependent?
- Do you think parents should set school standard or politicians and bureaucrats?
- Do you think someone who broke into your house should be rewarded? Then why would you vote for legislatures who think those who came here illegally should be?
- Do you think the first job of government is national security? Then why vote for someone who thinks our military can shrink to 1930 levels and still do its job?
- Do you think the police are there to protect you and your family? Then why vote for politicians who pander to rioters and looters?
- Do you think the Supreme Court should follow the Constitution? Then why vote for a candidate who thinks it should follow a political agenda?
Good questions. And I know you have good answers.
(From our friends at the Republican LD15 PAC) GO HERE FOR INFO
Dennis Melby, MCGOP Chairman
Share your thoughts with me at [email protected]
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