Dr. Politics: Let’s Take a Look Back at 2017

By Dwight Patel

Now that 2017 is in the rear view mirror, let’s take a look back and examine some of the things you should have done by this time:

  • Should have identified the office you are planning to run for, or at least narrowed it down to possible offices. If you haven’t done so, you really need to focus on this goal. Please refer to Dr. Politics Issue No. 1 for a list of offices and their requirements.
  • However, if you haven’t figured out which office you’d like want to run for, it isn’t too late. Please feel free to contact your local Republican Party or your state Republican Party office. They should be able to explain the roles and responsibilities of each office, or again, refer to Dr. Politics Issue No. 1.
  • Issues: You should by now have identified or be close to finalizing the top three issues you’ll focus on during your campaign. Again Dr. Politics recommends the following issues for Maryland Republicans:
    • Transportation Infrastructure (Traffic, Roads & Bridges)
    • Education – Quality of Education: Are you getting your monies worth? School Choice/Charter Schools/Vouchers
    • Tax Cuts – Maryland Needs Tax Reform (Maryland has one of the highest state income taxes in the country; Montgomery County has the highest property taxes in the state of Maryland.)
    • Other secondary issues you may want to talk about …. Wait! There are no other issues to talk about. Issue 1 is Transportation and Infrastructure; Issue 2 is Education and Issue 3 is Taxes.
  • You should start filling out all necessary forms to run for office. The filing deadline in Maryland is February 27, 2018 at 9:00 pm sharp. You need to take time to fill out forms, and don’t rush through the disclosure forms.
  • Have your palm cards and bumper stickers ready. Remember, everything you get printed needs to include this information: Committee Name and Authority Line -- Paid for by …, Treasurer. What information will you need on the day of your announcement?
    • Palm Cards
    • Lapel Stickers
    • Bumper Stickers
    • Website
    • Social Media set up Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In and Instagram
    • Press Release
    • Bio
    • Camera Ready Photograph 300 DPI or higher
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