Ed Amatetti Campaign for County Council District 2 Moves Full Steam Ahead

By Deborah Lambert

During his remarks at a recent campaign event, Ed Amatetti, who is running for County Council District 2, assured the audience that his candidacy was serious business, adding that he was so concerned about the county’s unsolved problems that sometimes he imagined that he was already on the job.

Amatetti’s campaign is focused on voters who are not accustomed to voting Republican, while simultaneously targeting Republicans likely to vote, and becoming engaged with others, including Democrats. While the broad-based portion of his campaign is extremely time-intensive, his strategy is to overcome these challenges by working harder than his opponents – much harder. As a result of his time commitment and outreach effectiveness, close to 40 percent of his donations have come from Democrats, some whom he first thought were Republicans. 

One advantage for Amatetti is the fact that for many years, he has been working closely with Democrats and other “non-Republicans” on a non-political, but civics, level -- as a board member of the Montgomery County Taxpayers League and MD Taxpayers Association, and also with the county’s Civics Federation and other groups.

As a problem solver, Amatetti is quick to point out that while the issues in Montgomery County are not difficult to understand, the county government’s solutions always seem to end up making the problems worse. For example, while their focus should be on fiscal responsibility, lower taxes and improved services, the fact is that every council member voted for property taxes that exceeded the charter limit. To Amatetti, what this situation requires is someone who knows exactly what to do and how to do it. After all, Democrats in Montgomery County want change as much as Republicans do.  Some are even as tired of “one-party rule” as Republicans are. 

Thanks to the unique opportunity to run for a slot on the County Council, Ed Amatetti realizes that his skills as a problem solver could significantly impact the governing body that makes decisions for the county. During his conversations with voters, he focuses on the following issues:

  • Education reform, so that every child is served
  • A more affordable county, with lower taxes, so that people can afford to live here
  • A more business-friendly environment that will create more jobs
  • Transportation solutions that benefit residents, not political agendas
  • Policies that promote public safety, not undermine it

Amatetti believes that even in the age of Facebook and Twitter, one of the most important ways to raise a candidate’s political profile is by tried and true methods of hand-shaking and personal contact. He occasionally stops people in the street and starts conversations with them. The effectiveness of his techniques will become more apparent after the polls close on Election Day. However, during an event in early October, he announced that he was not only a strong proponent of door knocking, but that he was about to celebrate the fact that he had knocked on 10,000 doors.


UPDATE from Ed Amatetti to Friends and Supporters:

Thank you again for all the help and support you have given my campaign for the past 20 months.  I need to ask you for one more favor in this final stretch of the campaign.  If you are able, please sign up to pass out my materials at a precinct on Election Day, this November 6th. Simply CLICK on one of the links below to sign up for the precinct most convenient for you, and that you would like to cover.  PLEASE, also ask If possible, the early morning and evening shifts are the most critical:

For Gaithersburg or Montgomery Village CLICK: https://goo.gl/forms/5V0ColDfpLU1vrqN2

For Damascus, Clarksburg, or Boyds CLICK: https://goo.gl/forms/Zj2EDoBzpvS0seki1

For North Potomac/ or Germantown CLICK:  https://goo.gl/forms/PXOR1oJ0FJs8LXho1

Thank you so very much!  We’ve all worked hard for 22 months, knocked on more than 10,000 doors, sponsored Townhalls and “neighborhood tables,” and so much more – all to build name recognition and spread our campaign message.  Having you pass out my literature and tell voters about me as they go to the polls on Election Day is a critical final step toward bringing us all to victory.   

THANK YOU SO MUCH!  It is deeply appreciated.      

With Kindest Regards,



Ed Amatetti for County Council District 2

Your Voice - Citizens In the Driver's Seat


Ed Amatetti 4 County Council, Amy Bauer, Treasurer



Montgomery County Republican Party