EPIC of MoCo - Rally against Thrive 2050
We Won’t Thrive with Thrive Rally!
When: Thursday, November 4
Where: Marian Fryer Town Plaza, 2424 Reedie Dr., Wheaton, MD 20902
Time: 12:00pm
Why: Make no mistake, Thrive Montgomery 2050 radically changes housing policy and will affect every part of this County, “BY Right”! That means residents will have no say in what developers build in our neighborhoods. Yet, communities have been denied a seat at the table and County Agencies who understand the issues at hand have been ignored.
Bring signs, megaphone, and dress appropriately for the weather. We will meet at the Marian Fryer Town Plaza, which is across the street from Planning Board HQ at 12:00pm. If you’re planning to attend, please email: [email protected], so that we can get a head count.
We must stand together and tell the Planning Board and The County Council; We Won’t Thrive with Thrive! We must be seen and heard! Please share with friends and families interested in supporting us.
The Rally will be an outdoor event; However, if you would like to testify, the Planning Board will be allowing for limited in person attendance. To be allowed into the auditorium you will be required to:
- Anyone wishing to testify must sign up at least 24 hours in advance, whether in-person or virtually.
- Anyone wishing to testify in-person must: a) sign up on-line; b) be Fully Vaccinated(meaning it has been at least 2 weeks since a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine); c) show Proof of Vaccination and Identification to appropriate MNCPPC Personnel before admittance to the Auditorium; and d) must not be sick (including, but not limited to, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, or new loss of taste or smell).
- Proof of Vaccination must include: a copy (paper or digital) of your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cardor Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination from the State in which you received your vaccinations (some States, including Maryland, West Virginia and the District of Columbia allow you to obtain your Certificate by going to myir.net).
- Only people signed-up in advance to testify, with the above Proof and Documentation, will be admitted into the Auditorium. Anyone wishing to watch the Planning Board’s meeting, or who cannot meet the above requirements, can watch and/or participate in the Meeting via the on-line or audio options.
- Once a person has testified, and the case for which they were involved has concluded, they must leave the Auditorium.
- Social Distancing will be required in the Building and Auditorium.
- People who wish to attend in-person, do so at their own risk and with knowledge of the risks associated with public gatherings, including the transmission of COVID-19.
- The Planning Board may modify this procedure if necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. (Planning Board Website)