NOBODY in MoCo Government Cares about YOU?

By Amy Waychoff

  • Concerned about the high cost of living?
  • Concerned about high property taxes?
  • Concerned about the declining school system?
  • Concerned about increasing crime?
  • Concerned about the impending police staffing crisis?*
  • Concerned about crumbling infrastructure?
  • Concerned about the poor business climate?
  • Concerned about the lack of transparency in MCPS, the County Council, and the County Executive’s Office?
  • Concerned about high-income households leaving the County?

THEN be sure to take twenty minutes to fill out this MoCo Community Survey:

Don’t Delay! Make Your Voices Heard by the September 30 Deadline!

*A pension benefit increase, effective January 2025, may convince a huge number of police officers to retire in early 2025. See

Is the Single-Family Home Going to Disappear in Montgomery County?

Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative (AHSI)

The AHSI, approved by the Planning Board this summer, is now pending before the County Council. If adopted, AHSI would allow multi-family homes to be built on single family lots in 82 percent of Montgomery County neighborhoods! The goals, as stated by the Planning Board, are to increase housing supply, the diversity of housing, and (possibly) affordability. 

Listening sessions with the County Council are almost over. But there is still time to have your voices heard and to hear what other citizens are saying about AHSI:

  • Monday, Sept. 23, from 7 to 9 p.m. | Germantown Community Center (18905 Kingsview Road, Germantown
  • Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 7 to 9 p.m. | Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School (4301 East-West Highway, Bethesda)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 2, Virtual Session (Zoom), 12 to 1:30 p.m. | Meeting details will be sent to registrants prior to the event | Sign up by Sept. 27 at 12 p.m. 

There is no need to register in advance for the in-person sessions.

Bring a sign to the meeting, for example, “Preserve Montgomery Communities” or “Save Single-Family Homes.”

SUPER IMPORTANT: The Council is inviting residents to provide additional feedback on the Attainable Housing Strategies initiative.

If you prefer, the email address for the Montgomery County Planning Department is [email protected].


Amy Waychoff is a member of the Montgomery County Central Committee.

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