GOP at Asbury Club Egg Hunt

By Karol Smith
The first GOP Easter Egg Hunt was held rainy Wednesday, March 31.  We have a covered, climate-controlled walkway joining several buildings - a perfect setting and worrying about the weather conditions was thus eliminated.

40 pictures of numbered eggs from 1 1/2 inch tall to 3 inches tall were tucked sticking out a little behind pictures, on railing struts, and in or partly under decor on open shelves and furniture.
Entrants were given a form with numbers 1 - 40 down the side, and instructed to write the location where they found the eggs.  The eggs were hidden in random order.  Two participant groups competed; one for independent walkers, and the second for those who had walkers or canes and were slower.  Winners were determined by the fastest time finding the most eggs before checking out.  Easter candy and bottled water were served during a social time while counting took place.  Six prizes were awarded, three in each group.  
What we're doing is reinvigorating a GOP group that became inactive following the passing of its leader a few years ago.  We have over 200 Republicans at Asbury in Gaithersburg.
We had sign-up lists with a column for speaker suggestions, seeking those who were interested in establishing regular meetings, speakers and events.  This egg hunt would have been impossible without the valuable help of Polly Conley, Nancy Brown and Nancy Mattson.  All who attended reported they had a great time.  
Karol Smith is a writer, former candidate, organizer of GOP Asbury and member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee.
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