How to Strengthen Security in America’s Schools

By Jeffrey Brown, 2nd Vice Chair, MCGOP Central Committee

There is currently a lot of noise and concern over what our nation’s response should be to the continuing outbreak of school shootings. It has become a highly politicized debate, and so far, the loudest voices in the court of national public opinion are those who are in favor of more restrictive laws.

Given the present situation, my response to what do we do about school security is not going to please everyone. But if people are serious about lowering the incidence of violence in our schools by weapons of any kind, this is a sure way to protect and defend our nation’s schools:

  • All entry to schools should be through the front office where there would bemetal detectors and two armed and trained security guards
  • All classroom doors would be reinforced with bullet proof material and dead bolt locks in steel frames
  • Mental health counselors would be available in school to connect with kids
  • Bullies would have one chance to stop, and after another infraction, would be removed to a school that is able to cope with them
  • There should be at least two resource officers, uniformed and armed, in every school. They would also interact with students in sports events and activities.
  • Teachers who volunteer and pass a psych test could be trained to receive concealed carry permits in class
  • Guns are here now, and new laws would not be able to address the current situation quickly enough to make a difference

My suggestion is to implement these ideas now and save some kids’ lives.


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