Ronald Reagan said “On this occasion, let us also remember the freedoms and the sacrifices that have made our abundance possible. We are heirs to a precious legacy, one that has taken centuries to build, and we must forever recognize that its preservation and increase are our glad task and solemn responsibility,”
Enjoy the day with friends and family, the end of summer is here before you know it.
But remember, our National, State and local governments need a change in leadership. We've got great candidates and the incumbents are doing poorly. They're relying on the registration stats to pull them through one more time. But single party government hasn't served us well.
Four more years of a decline in public safety, a decline in reading and math scores, a decline in civility of both sides makes it harder to recover from inflation, international upheaval and domestic unrest.
You have hope, contact one or our great candidates and volunteer to do what you can. They need you, we need you and our once thriving community needs you.
Its Labor Day Lets go to work!