Let's Right this Ship

Sail on, O Ship of State' — even in these turbulent seas

Yes, we can right the ship, but you need to participate in the democratic process. Inflation, crime, war, drug addiction, poor schooling and families in crisis – we need to fix things.

Mail in balloting starts soon. It’s no longer election day - it’s election season (that wasn’t our choice). Sign up for a mail in ballot, fill it out as soon as you can and return it. We need to fix things. 

Folks are working so hard, let’s all join them. We’ve got a list below of candidates and their contact people. Contact them and volunteer, we’ve already visited 10,000 doors and more every week. Sign up to work at the polls and make sure it’s a free and fair election. 

Talk to your neighbors with respect. Listen to their concerns and calmly share your opinions when asked. Because of the media many people don't know there are others out there with reasonable solutions.

And of course if you can - donate, we need campaign material, sample ballots and help paying for the booths and tents we have at all the community events. I’d love to have you as a member of the Chairman's club.

We need to turn things around. We need to fix things. We need to right this ship. If you and I won’t to do it no one else will. 

Thanks for being a great American. 

Dennis Melby

MCGOP Chairman

Tell me what you think at [email protected]

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