Lower Maryland Electric Bills, Thanks to Tax Bill

By Mark Uncapher

Maryland Republican Party Chair Dirk Haire called upon Kathleen Matthews, Maryland Democratic Party Chair, to apologize to Maryland taxpayers for insulting them with her chicken-little scare tactics, “because hard-working Marylanders who struggle to pay bills deserve better than partisan political rhetoric.”

According to Democratic Comptroller Peter Franchot’s report, over two million Marylanders will receive a Federal tax cut that averages $1,741 annually. Every Maryland Democrat voted against the legislation.

“Maryland Democrats continue to call these tax cuts a ‘tax scam,” but giving Marylanders more control over their hard-earned dollars and spending decisions is what Republicans call economic freedom,” said Dirk Haire, adding that “scam connotates fraud, dishonesty, and swindling people. The only scam going on here is the Democrat Party trying to mislead, frighten, and incite taxpayers. It is offensive to all of our hard-working families facing financial struggles.”

Haire also pointed to the recent announcements by Baltimore Gas & Electric and Pepco that they will provide about $82 million in annual tax savings to customers, as a direct result of the recent Republican tax cut legislation. Haire praised BG&E for its generosity that will have an immediate and direct impact on Maryland families. 

“Customers around the state will see reduced bills starting this month. In the current winter season, this is critical for seniors and children, who often need more heat in their homes throughout the day but have limited funds. For other families, this will provide more money for groceries or towards transportation to get to work.  While Maryland Democrats fought for the Sunshine Tax that raised electricity rates, Republicans are focused on putting more money back in the pockets of Marylanders. I applaud BG&E for this decision.”

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