MCGOP Booth - Sandy Spring Strawberry Festival 2023

MCGOP will have a tent and booth at the Sandy Spring Strawberry Festival on Saturday June 3rd, and Sunday June 4th, from 11am to 4pm both days!

This is a great opportunity to meet potential voters and educate them about our principles.

Our tent will be across the street next to the parking lot at Sherwood High School.

We will have all the materials you will need to help bring folks up to speed, but we need you to be there!

The booth will be open from 11am until 4pm both days.

If you can be there for a couple of hours, that would be great!

Please Contact:

Brad Botwin  [email protected] or

Greg Decker  [email protected]

Please let one of us know if you are able to help out at the booth.


June 04, 2023 at 11:00am - 4pm
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