Did you vote yet?
We need to make sure it's a free and fair election and all votes get in and are counted. Some stats show that about 60% of Democrats vote early and that around 10% of Republicans do the same. Our State, like so many others, has set it up so that mail-in and early voting are encouraged. And you know what? The Democrats win that way and it continues single party government - not good for any area in the long run.
I know you want to go, meet your neighbors, make sure the system works, see and mark your ballot and put it in the box (er scan it into the machine as it were). But we encourage you to vote now. If you've made up you mind there's no reason to wait, and from the President to the local Central Committee we want your vote cast now. What if it rains on elections day, or snows, or is icy, or you're too sick? Stuff happens, don't be sorry the day after that you didn't get to vote.
If you need to get a mail-in ballot click here. If you want to know where the early voting sites are click here. If you want to volunteer to go door to door click here. And if you need to know our voting suggestions click here.
Thanks for taking our rights so seriously. I'm with you on that.
And thanks for being a great American.
Check out our MCGOP Voters Guide HERE
Dennis Melby
MCGOP Chairman