Mid MoCo Muster - August 2024

Our main focus this month will be on the ballot questions we face this Fall.

There is the Montgomery County charter amendment to limit the terms of the executive but also a proposed state constitutional amendment, Question 1.

HealthNotHarm.org is an organization created to educate the Maryland electorate about the dangers of the proposed Maryland Question 1 supposedly guaranteeing "reproductive freedom".

The leader of that organization will be with us to explain why this constitutional amendment may be even more dangerous than you think.

Of course, we will also review ongoing activities to support our candidates and the myriad of issues that continue to slap us across the face daily.

As usual, we hope you can arrive in the 6 O’clock hour and order some food and/or drink. We will begin the formal presentations at 7pm.

Please join us on third Thursday evening, August 15th, from 6-9pm, in the private side room at:

La Mexicana, 16143 Shady Grove Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Greg Decker


August 15, 2024 at 6:00pm - 9pm
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