Mid MoCo Muster - March 2023

This month's topic is Global Warming, or Climate Change, or whatever they're calling it this week.
We used to think that we could just laugh and roll our eyes but now we see very destructive public policy being driven by this false narrative.
We must be prepared to begin debunking these ideas before they destroy our modern civilization.
So much information to digest. In this world of short attention spans, we must distill the mountains of information to a few concise ideas.
We will try to do just that on Third Thursday evening, March 16th, from 6-9pm, in the side room at:
La Mex, 16143 Shady Grove Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
As usual, we hope you can arrive in the 6 O'clock hour to order some food and/or drinks and we will begin the presentation at 7pm. We will keep the formal program to less than an hour to leave plenty of time for group discussion.
We hope you will be there to join in that discussion!
Greg Decker
March 16, 2023 at 6:00pm - 9pm
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