Mid MoCo Muster - May 2023

We know the importance of our vote at the ballot box every couple of years. We must also recognize the importance of the votes we cast every day with our dollars.
This month we will explore the "parallel economy".
We pay companies for services and these companies turn around and oppose us politically. These same companies would sell us out in a second, would collude with our government to "cancel" or otherwise limit our freedoms.
We must discover and patronize service enterprises which will not oppose us politically and will not be part of the government/corporate totalitarian axis.
At this month's muster we will begin exploring the parallel economy of alternative service providers. Please bring your own knowledge and any personal experiences to share with the group.
As usual, we hope you can arrive in the 6 O'clock hour and order some food and/or drink and then we will begin the presentation at 7pm. 

Please join us third Thursday evening, May 18th, from 6-9pm, in the private side room at:
La Mex, 16143 Shady Grove Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Greg Decker
Montgomery County Republican Party