With John Kotek of the Nuclear Energy Institute and Maryland Delegate Reid Novotny
Monday, April 11, 7:30pm, Mondays with MoCo Zoom Seminar, Register HERE>
TONIGHT’S TOPIC: The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put a spotlight on the importance of reliable energy supplies. Germany and neighboring countries are awakening to the fact that being dependent on Russian natural gas, or frankly anything else, doesn’t seem to make economic or political sense after all. Especially for the Germans, who unilaterally decided to turn off their extensive nuclear electric power operations in late 2022 for “environmental reasons”.
The Biden Administration’s “green lighting” of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany added to this foolish dependency folly. Biden further added to Europe’s dependency woes by nixing support of the proposed Israel/Cyprus/ Greece natural gas pipeline into Southern Europe. Energy choices and competition are a blessing - not a sin.
Biden energy policies have failed on the home front as well. America has gone from energy independence and being a net exporter of energy, to energy dependent in less than one year.
Stopping oil and natural gas pipeline construction, adding burdensome rules and regulations to inhibit the private sector from exploring and drilling for energy as well as refining has caused oil and gas prices to skyrocket, well before the Ukraine crisis.
Shocking $5 and rising gasoline and even higher diesel fuel prices are the new Biden normal. As the inflation level rises to record heights the manufacturing, agricultural, transportation, and almost all other sectors, will see further increased energy and feedstock costs, which of course will be passed on to the consumer.
Biden is not alone in his misguided energy policies. When asked about the need for energy independence Maryland Congressman David Trone said the following:
“Thank you for contacting me regarding energy independence. I believe that investing in sustainable, renewable energy will make a huge difference in our reliance on oil from places like Russia, especially considering their recent unjustified violence in Ukraine. We must reduce our use of fossil fuels to make this a reality and we do so through actions like closing the Keystone XL pipeline. I am committed to implementing and increasing green technology and renewable energy. As a business owner, I know that this isn't just good for the environment - it's good for business.” -David Trone-
Sounds like Congressman Trone has been raiding his Total Wine inventory for fuel needs and relying on electric power generated from his wind energy hat instead of developing real world energy policies for Maryland and the nation!
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Space on the other hand stated, "Hate to say it, but we need to increase oil & gas output immediately. Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures. Obviously, this would negatively affect Tesla, but sustainable energy solutions simply cannot react instantaneously to make up for Russian oil & gas exports.”
Musk followed up with: “Hopefully, it is now extremely obvious that Europe should restart dormant nuclear power stations and increase power output of existing ones," Musk tweeted. "This is *critical* to national and international security."
We can do the same in Maryland by expanding the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Facility in Lusby, MD as part of an industry/government partnership.
John F. Kotek, Senior VP, Nuclear Energy Institute
John Kotek is the Nuclear Energy Institute’s (NEI) senior vice president of policy development and public affairs. He is responsible for providing policy and public affairs leadership on financial, economic, tax, electricity market and environmental issues related to the nuclear energy industry.
Previously, Kotek was appointed in January 2015 to the position of principal deputy assistant secretary for the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE), was the managing partner of the Boise office of Gallatin Public Affairs and served as staff director to the Blue-Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, which recommended a new strategy for managing nuclear waste in the United States. He was also deputy manager of the DOE’s Idaho Operations Office.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in nuclear engineering from the University of Illinois and a master of business administration from the University of Maryland.
Reid Novotny, Maryland House of Delegates
Is a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, representing portions of Montgomery, Howard and Carroll counties. Appointed last year by Governor Larry Hogan he serves on the Appropriations Committee, the Subcommittee on Education and Economic Development and the Oversight Committee on Pensions. As a solid Republican he volunteers for many Party activities and is also a Member of the Howard County Central Committee. He holds degrees in Computer Security and Strategic Communications, is a Colonel in the Maryland National Guard and previously served in the US Air Force and as a staffer on Capitol Hill. He and his wife Lauren have one daughter and live in Howard County.
Delegate Novotny recently announced his candidacy for the Maryland Senate.
Dennis Melby is former Party Chairman, Town Councilmember and Association President.
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