October Letter from the Chairman

Although election day is November 3, we Marylanders have been voting for some time. With absentee/mail in ballots and early voting the bulk of the choices will be cast before the first Tuesday in November.


We have real choices for all the contests, and this is a crucial election for us all. Supporters and detractors alike describe Donald Trump as “a bull in a china shop!” He’s led the United States through a turbulent time, forging a strong economy for every sector of society…only to have a pandemic arrive from a distant shore that required an almost total shutdown of the country until we understood what was happening.  For America, for a return to prosperity and safety we choose Trump and the Republican Party.

This election has been like few others. After a year of drama and civil unrest we crave normalcy, public safety, and prosperity. Respect and civility are in short supply – the social media is not very sociable right now, and many citizens don’t feel valued by society as equals for their contributions and history.  The status quo is not acceptable; indeed, we can always do better, this is America.

So, let’s try. Dignity and respect. Differences sure, but we are so much more alike than we are different. Indeed, Montgomery County is one of the most unique places on the planet, and we should honor each other’s strengths and achievements while we work to make our shared home a model for the rest of the nation.

Thanks for taking our society and our government so seriously. Thanks for voting, for making your voice heard and striving to make Montgomery County, Maryland, and the United States of America a shining place for the rest of the world.

Are you with us? Write to [email protected]

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