By Lori Jaffe
On August 26, Montgomery Perspective reported, “I have been told that the county council’s Public Safety Committee will hold a work session on the Freedom to Leave Act next month. The committee’s members are Sidney Katz (chair), Dawn Luedtke and Kristin Mink, the latter of whom cosponsored an earlier Jawando anti-traffic stop bill. Given the administration’s position as well as opposition to Jawando’s bill by the police union and MCGEO, this council committee session will make for interesting viewing.” We urge you to make your voice heard (see below).
In 2019, Councilmember Will Jawando claimed that police stopped him because of racial profiling. But according to Fox Baltimore, State Police said:
‘Trooper Shu saw a vehicle pass his car, cross the stop line and enter the intersection before stopping. He initiated a traffic stop and contacted the driver, requesting his license and registration. The driver, Mr. Jawando, explained he had lost his current driver’s license and had requested a duplicate. He gave the trooper his expired driver’s license.’”
If Jawando had his way, no stopping at red lights, no current license, no problem.
In 2023, Councilmember Will Jawando proposed a bill that would bar the police from stopping drivers for certain violations, including licensing and registration. The Maryland Attorney General said that the bill violated state law. So Jawando kept trying, proposing a new bill (2-24), the "Freedom to Leave Act", to limit police searches. This bill says that even if the driver consents to a search, the driver can leave the scene.
Please write to the Public Safety Committee and tell them to oppose the Freedom to Leave Act. We need to allow our police officers to do their jobs. This bill would only confuse motorists, and it would prevent the police from fulfilling their duty – to keep us safe. We offer the sample letter below.
Here are the email addresses for the Public Safety Committee:
Sidney Katz (Chair)
To: Chairman Katz, Committee Member Luedtke, Committee Member Mink,
I have been a resident of Montgomery County for over thirty years. I am writing to you in opposition to bill 2-24, the “Freedom to Leave Act.” This proposed legislation is unnecessary, and it would cause confusion for motorists and police officers. By allowing a motorist who has consented to a search to then leave the scene, you are telling everyone, including bad-actors, that you are not serious about law enforcement. Our police must have all the available tools to do their job.
The police union came out against this bill: “… Council Bill 2-24 stands in direct contradiction to Governor Moore's vision for a safer Maryland and runs counter to the expressed concerns of the majority of your constituents, who, like many Marylanders, perceive a decline in community safety. The alarming uptick in violent crimes, including homicides and carjackings involving firearms, underscores the urgency of addressing public safety concerns. Rather than engaging law enforcement in constructive dialogue to address these challenges, we find ourselves once again grappling with proposals that may curtail the ability of Montgomery County police officers to uphold safety in our communities.”
The UFCW Local 1994 MCGEO also opposes this bill: “We need to balance the need for effective law enforcement and ensure accountability within the criminal justice system. Banning consent searches does not accomplish that goal. What it would do is embolden those who would commit crimes. The continued use of legal consent searches is vital if our law enforcement officers are to fulfill their duty to protect the public.”
I urge you to oppose the “Freedom to Leave Act.”
Lori Jaffe is the Party Secretary for the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee, volunteer coordinator and Member of the Executive Board. She can be reached at [email protected]