Yesterday's assassination attempt on President Trump was a horrible reminder that our social fabric is fraying. LIke you, when I first heard of the shooting I prayed for his safety.  Our prayers were answered.

He is a strong man, he is a fighter, and someone we're about to nominate to retake the White House in November. Our GOP Convention in Milwaukee will change, not the great party we've been looking forward to but a more somber and serious effort to rescue this country from the chaos and divisiveness of the last four years.

In sadness there is hope. We grieve for those killed and injured.

We still pray.  We pray for the energy to make change happen, the ability to support our great candidates who will carry out the change, and the resourcefulness to convince our fellow Marylanders, and fellow Americans, to join us in our efforts to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

God bless America.

Dennis Melby

MCGOP Chairman

Tell me what you think at [email protected]

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