RSVP to Free General Session of the 2020 Convention

The 10 am to noon General Session of the MCGOP's 2020 Convention is Free

RSVP in advance Please

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Larry O’Connor, our favorite radio personality, commentator and political moderator is coming to the Washingtonian Marriott March 28 for the MCGOP 2020 Convention.  O’Connor brings a great perspective, humor and insight to the table, and his wit and wisdom is appreciated by our speakers and guests alike. As host of the popular “The Larry O’Connor Show” on WMAL-FM he also makes frequent appearances on FOX News and is a contributor to The Washington Times newspaper.

Bob Goodlatte, former chair of the US House Judiciary and Agriculture Committees represented Virginia’s 6th Congressional District for 13-terms.  He has led Republican policy on a variety of issues, including immigration and homeland security. His topic? “How to Prosper as Republicans in a Blue State in the Age of Trump.”


Dirk Haire was elected chairman of the Maryland Republican Party on December 3, 2016. Prior to that Haire had served as counsel to the party and previously as counsel for Maryland Governor Larry Hogan's (R) 2014 gubernatorial campaign. He formerly  served as a legislative aide to former U.S. Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) and as the chair of the Maryland House Republican Caucus Committee and the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Committee. 

Delegate Neil Parrott represents District 2A in the Maryland General Assembly. A resident of Hagerstown, he is an announced candidate for Congress in Maryland’s 6th District. By trade a traffic engineer Del. Parrott a graduate of the University of Maryland, founder of, formerly Deputy Director of Public Works for the City of Frederick and currently works at a company he founded, Traffic Solutions Incorporated (TRSI)

Councilwoman Roxy Ndebumadu was elected to the Bowie City Council in 2019. As a non-partisan councilmember she freely admits to being an enthusiastic Republican in a Democrat stronghold, a tireless advocate for all community members, and a new leader with a new voice and vision to make Bowie a premier city for its residents and businesses. Roxy is also a leader at Microsoft where she leads a team of Technical Advisors. Her story of perseverance and strength throughout her life will inspire everyone. 


March 28, 2020 at 10:00am - 12pm
Marriott Washingtonian
9751 Washingtonian Blvd
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?

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