By Lori Jaffe
In October 2023, Montgomery County Congressman Jamie Raskin, along with fellow Democrats, announced $530,000 in Department of Homeland Security grants to Montgomery County to develop violence prevention programs focused on LGBTQ+ youth. This grant money is funding a group called the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL). Townhall recently reported on SMYAL’s inculcating of young minds in the District of Columbia. Now that this viper is in our midst, what can you do about it?
What is SMYAL? Their website says that they support and empower LGBTQ+ youth. “We actively work to create a world where queer and trans youth thrive through affirming programs and services designed to develop critical life skills, build community, and foster a sense of belonging.” What it does not say is that they also sexually groom very young children.
According to Townhall, “Tens of thousands of tax dollars, earmarked for ending gun violence in the nation's crime-infested capital, were instead squandered on socially programming children as young as six-years-old to identify as ‘transgender’ — and even take steps towards ‘transitioning,’ according to a months-long Townhall investigation. These indoctrination efforts include a so-called ‘trans kids’ summer camp.”
“Cloyingly called 'Little SMYALs,' the K-8 program is divided into two age groups: ‘Unicorns’ (ages six to nine) and ‘Rainbows’ (ages 10 to 13).”
“Little SMYALs is one of the only initiatives of its kind in the country crafted specifically to target children this young, SMYAL gloated in the grant proposal they submitted to the (Washington DC) mayor's constituent outreach arm.”
Last October, Raskin’s press release stated, “The federal investment comes through the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023. This funding will help the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) develop programming to address the risk of violence and negative mental health outcomes faced by LGBTQ+ youth in D.C. and Montgomery County.” “The rise of targeted violence against LGBTQ+ communities demands additional investments to protect young people at risk. We know that education and training have the power to provide much-needed tools to counter hate and bias…” “Funding for these education programs and in-school supports will help expand resources so all Marylanders can feel safe in school and their communities.”
Well, as the saying goes, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And now we must raise our voices to push back on this atrocity in our schools. We have written the letter below to Representative Raskin. A similar letter was also sent to MCPS Superintendent Dr. Thomas Taylor. We encourage you to voice your concerns. (See Dr. Taylor's response below.)
In October 2023, you announced $530,000 in Department of Homeland Security grants in Montgomery County, MD to develop violence prevention programs focused on LGBTQ+ youth, including programs developed by the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL). I wanted to alert you to the Townhall article, which states that SMYAL is sexually grooming very young children in the District of Columbia and that SMYAL is now working to collaborate with the Montgomery County Public Schools.
“Cloyingly called "Little SMYALs," the K-8 program is divided into two age groups: "Unicorns" (ages six to nine) and "Rainbows" (ages 10 to 13).”
“Little SMYALs is one of the only initiatives of its kind in the country crafted specifically to target children this young, SMYAL gloated in the grant proposal they submitted to the (Washington DC) mayor's constituent outreach arm.”
Studies show that adults tend to comply with what authority figures tell them to do. Children are even more susceptible to suggestions. And children vary their opinions on what they want to be when they grow up. Some want to be doctors, some astronauts and some want to be ponies. Children under 18 years of age are too young to be exposed to drag queens and sexually explicit books.
When I read the Townhall article, I was flabbergasted that my tax money is being spent to target young children in our public schools. Taxpayer money should be spent carefully for projects that will benefit all the children, like metal detectors. We should not allow the schools to spend money on woke ideology. Please investigate this issue and withhold funds from SMYAL and similar programs.
Update August 10, 2024: Superintendent Taylor responded to our letter as follows:
Dear Ms. Jaffe,
I must admit that I am unfamiliar with this grant and its corresponding issues.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will need to dig in on this before providing a more detailed response.
That said, thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns forward.
T. Taylor
Lori Jaffe is the Party Secretary for the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee, volunteer coordinator and Member of the Executive Board. She can be reached at [email protected]