Spotlight on Stacey Sauter

Meet Stacey Sauter

I’m running to serve because I love the state of Maryland and have deep concerns about our future under the current Democrat-controlled legislature. I’m a proud, native Marylander who attended our public schools and Montgomery College before receiving my undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland in 1981. I’m a fifth-generation native of Montgomery County where my father proudly served as a police officer for nearly 30 years. Today I’m a successful businesswoman and a published author. My background includes a Masters’ Degree in Journalism from Columbia University and a second Masters’ Degree in Public Management from the University of Maryland (with honors, 2022). In addition to working as a TV reporter, I’ve held various executive positions with the GOP on local, state, and national levels.

Montgomery County was once synonymous with success. It strove for and achieved excellence in nearly every conceivable area of public and business concern. But now, our formerly top-notch schools are really suffering and only 41% of our state’s third-graders test proficient in reading and math. Montgomery County Police -- always considered to be among the finest in the land -- has been hit hard by the defund the police movement. Our homicide rate is about double what it was last year. We’re losing teachers and sworn officers by the droves, which makes literacy and security two major issues right now.

In addition, Montgomery County once prospered because businesses knew it was a safe and predictable place to take root. Our county was full of pragmatism, optimism, and – for the most part – a unified desire to succeed. Not anymore, as divisive politics rule with a my-way-or-the-highway mentality. This narrow-minded approach is really costing us. It’s painful to hear about major business growth in northern Virginia, losses for us due to our high taxes and red tape that strangles. Maryland has become one of the least desirable places to start a business, raise a family, and retire. This must change, or we will not secure the best companies and jobs moving to this area, and small businesses will be prevented from starting or growing. All of this impacts our ability to function as a state; to pay for bonds, pensions, crime prevention, education, health care, infrastructure, and a whole myriad of other issues.

Contemporary political forces that are soft on crime, tough on regulation, that restrict business growth and limit our children’s future, must go! We need to restore morale and funding to law enforcement. We need to excise the root causes of deterioration in our public schools, and we need to reinvigorate our business base with the promise of predictability and prosperity by enacting fair taxes and less burdensome regulation. I am willing to work my hardest to bring back and build upon the fundamentals of success that once made this county and this state one of the greatest places to live. And I need your help this November to make that happen. For more information on me and my campaign, please visit Thank you for your support!

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