The Huessy Report


Memo for Our Montgomery County and Maryland Citizens, Prepared by Peter Huessy, President of Geo-Strategic Analysis of Potomac, Maryland

The Harris Tsami of Spending

The House Budget Committee has now just completed a thorough analysis of "Kamalonomics" and has cataloged some of the wildly progressive economic policies she has supported while in DC. The total cost just for these six programs is

Here's a brief sample of what's on the list totaling $48 trillion over a decade or spending every year for just six programs more than the entire Federal Budget in 2019.

  • Free Childcare: Kamala cosponsored S. 1806, the Child Care for Working Families Act, which would create new federal entitlement programs for childcare. Cost: $600 billion over the next decade.
  • Free parental leave: Kamala supported a plan to create a government-mandated parental leave, which she would have paid for by imposing new payroll taxes on families. Cost: $1.2 trillion over ten years
  • Free Health Care: In 2019, then-Presidential candidate Harris rolled out her Medicare for All proposal, which included coverage for more than 11 million illegal immigrants. Projected to cost $44 trillion over ten years.
  • Free College: In 2017 Harris was an original cosponsor of Bernie Sanders' plan for free college, S.806, College for All Act of 2017. Cost: $600 billion over the next decade.
  • Free Child Rearing Expenses: Harris proposed Expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and making it fully refundable (a cash grant) of up to $6,000 in first year of life. Cost: $1.2 trillion over 10 years.
  • Free Down payment on Home Purchase: Kamala would provide a tax credit of up to $25,000 to first-time homebuyers, further boosting demand for home ownership and lead to higher home prices. Cost: $100 billion over the next decade.

Condi Rice, the former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser to the President gave a speech at the Atlantic Council where she warned against isolationism. She was of course talking about former President Trump. So it must be that you know you are going to be accused of being an isolationist if you:

Stop massive illegal immigration

Prevent Fentanyl imports from killing 109,000 Americans annually

Negotiate a new trade deal with Mexico

Negotiate a new trade deal with Canada

Undo the trade imbalance with China

Get NATO member nations to spend 2% of their GDP on defense vs 2016 average of 1.2%

Produce a record 13 million barrels of oil daily to significantly reduce the power of OPEC over the USA economy

Create the Abraham Accords to establish normal relations between Arab Gulf States and Israel

Sanction Iran and reduce its foreign exchange to $9 billion

Stop adhering to the INF treaty as Russia was in serial violation of the agreement

Dump the JCPOA and end the fiction that the JCPOA would actually stop the Iranian nuclear weapons quest .

Engage the DPRK to place a moratorium on nuclear weapons tests and long range missile tests

Increase USA defense spending over three years by $135 billion annually or equal in percentage terms to the Reagan military buildup

Provide assistance to Ukraine to help deter Russian misadventures and aggression

Don’t start any wars.

Close the PLO office in the United States

Close China’s police stations in the USA

Arrest those taking bribes from China and selling US technology

Declare the  Houthis a terror group

Move the USA embassy to Jerusalem

Establish a US Space Force

Strengthen relations with the ROK and Japan by urging them (successfully) to spend more on defense.

Build the Keystone Pipeline and open up ANWAR.

Build the border wall—strong fences make good neighbors


On the other hand, you know you will be praised as a great internationalist if you:

Take the Houthis off the State Department terrorist list

Provide Hamas $100 million

Embargo weapons to Ukraine

Send blankets not weapons to Ukraine

Don’t provide Ukraine weapons needed to win war against Russia by repeatedly dumbing down equipment sent to Ukraine

Embargo and delay weapons to Israel

Make USA more dependent on OPEC

Stop all mining permits in USA for hard minerals production

Kill the Keystone Pipeline with Canada  Shut down ANWAR.

Allow unlimited and illegal migrant flows into the USA

Abuse parole authority re migrants from Haiti Cuba and Nicaragua

Release to Iran $100 billion in sanctioned oil revenue

Accede to Maduro’s stealing the Venezuelan election

Declare China is not our enemy but a competitor

Project to Spend over $10 trillion annually by 2030 (compared to $6.4 trillion in FY2024)  while racking up $20 trillion more in debt ($52 trillion vs $32 trillion by 2032) while raising taxes by $5.7 trillion over ten years in budget submitted to Congress in spring of 2024

Reduce defense spending to 2.6% of GDP by 2032 lowest since before WW2

Make USA more dependent on Chinese fabricated mineral resources including critical defense related minerals

Passively allow Chinese military surveillance balloon to traverse entire USA continent

Carelessly withdraw from Afghanistan and leave $57 billion in equipment and military base assets behind

Get attacked 170 times by Iran and its proxies between October 2023-January 2024 with 7 USA servicemen dead.


And who is an enemy of democracy?

The US often Extols democracy to the world which is a good thing. But here are seven proposals or actions that are being supported by elements of the Democrat Party that make one wonder---who is destroying democracy? ….

End the Senate filibuster rule  

Pack the USA Supreme Court

Unlawfully remove a candidate from the ballot

Allow illegal aliens to vote

Threaten violence against members of the Supreme Court

Serially advocate the killing of or violence against ones political opponents

Proposing to criminalize political speech one doesn’t like

Are any of these constitutional?

California Dreamin’

5 Months After California Raised Fast-Food Minimum Wage to $20, Chipotle Is Already Bringing in the Robots (

5 Months After California Raised Fast-Food Minimum Wage to $20, Chipotle Is Already Bringing in the Robots

By Bryan Chai  September 18, 2024 at 11:22am

When it comes to matters of people’s livelihoods, there is absolutely no glee in saying, “We told you so,” but …We told you so.As anyone with a rudimentary, high school-level knowledge of economics could’ve told you, the push to magically (federally) mandate a pay wage for low-skill employees was always going to have dire consequences, for workers and customers alike.

The latest example of this comes from deep blue California, where it has taken less than half a year for the $20 an hour fast-food minimum wage to start having a big impact — and not in a way that benefits employees. Chipotle, a “fast casual” Mexican restaurant that boasts about its handcrafted foods, announced on Monday that one of its most popular items was about to be less “handcrafted.”


The announcement touted the debut of the company’s new “Autocado” machine, which “cuts, cores, and peels avocados before they are hand mashed to create the restaurant’s signature guacamole. “Not only did the company announce the “Autocado,” but it also announced the debut of its “Augmented Makeline,” which will use “automated technology to build bowls and salads while Chipotle employees operate the top makeline to make burritos, tacos, quesadillas, and kid’s meals.”

Now, having automated help to work with the guacamole, bowls and salads isn’t much of a start on fully replacing human employees — but it’s a start, nonetheless. And it’s a course that America seems set on, if this push for a federally-mandated minimum wage is anything to go by. But make no mistake about it: This is an utterly disastrous course, despite arguments that say otherwise from  California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“Last September, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed California Assembly Bill 1287 into law, which includes a $20 per hour minimum wage for fast-food workers and a fast-food regulatory council, which has the authority to raise the industry’s minimum wage annually,” the Hoover Institution reported in April. The research center bluntly laid out the immediate results of Newsom’s grand plan: “But between last fall and January, California fast-food restaurants cut about 9,500 jobs.”(It’s worth pointing out that this is “Bidenomics” and/or “Kamalanomics” in action.)“Total private employment in California declined just 0.2 percent during the same period, which makes it tempting to conclude that many of those lost fast-food jobs resulted from the higher labor costs employers would need to pay,” the Hoover Institution noted.

“More fast-food job losses are coming as the new minimum wage took effect earlier this month,” the research group continued. “This includes losses at Pizza Hut and Round Table Pizza, which are in the process of firing nearly 1,300 delivery drivers. El Pollo Loco and Jack in the Box announced that they will speed up the use of robotics, including robots that make salsa and cook fried foods. “Fast-food prices have been up since the law took effect on April 1. In less than one month, Wendy’s increased prices by 8 percent, Chipotle’s prices have increased by 7.5 percent, and Starbucks prices are up by 7 percent. McDonald’s has announced it will be raising prices, and many other fast-food franchises have announced hiring freezes.”

But the most damning condemnation of this minimum wage hike doesn’t come from any think tank, legal scholar or worldly economist. It actually comes from Newsom himself. The beleaguered governor is part of an investment group that owns several high-end eateries and wineries in California. Surely those employees would make that $20-an-hour … right?

Nope, they make about $16, which means Newsom is basically saying, “I know it’s not sustainable. Oh, well! “You simply cannot pay low-skill workers (this isn’t meant to be a pejorative, one of this writer’s first jobs was at a Panda Express) a “living” wage without eliminating jobs or raising prices — neither of which is great for any party involved.

Newsom clearly knows all of this, despite signing the wage bill into law back in September, which is exactly why he is one of the most excoriated politicians this side of Bob Menendez. “We told you so” is always hard to hear. But when it effectively comes from the person who signed the bill? That’s a lasting sting

Illegal Alien News

Senator Schumer supports the open border with Mexico and thus with the world because as he says, “we need the workers.” Here is a good story about Ohio and the mess that illegal immigration has made in the state.

ICYMI: Shoplifting and Vehicle Thefts Soared as Haitian Migrants Poured Into Ohio Town, Police Data Shows


By Robert Schmad, Megan Brock

The town, which had a population of 58,000 in 2020, has taken in 12,000 to 20,000 Haitian refugees in three years and is seeing a 51% jump in vehicle thefts and a worse spike in shoplifting.

An 80-Year old Chicago citizen spoke about how Mayor Johnson’s wave after wave of migrants has torn Chicago’s black communities to shreds.

“You have allowed all these people. You’ve brought all these people into this city. You are destroying this city. And the black community is flooded with all these immigrants, violent ones, prostitution, gangs. You did that! You are doing this to your people. You are an absolute disgrace to me,” she said angrily.

“Like I said, I drank out of that colored water fountain, but I could go back to that black community that was intact,” she said, before contrasting that with what is happening today: “Women are crying, taxes are going up. What am I going to do with my children? Where are we going to go and live? This is because of you, Brandon Johnson! You’re destroying the black Southside of Chicago with your policies. All under the Democratic Party,” she said.

“You are a disgrace,” the resident concluded.


Beyond the Claims of Migrants Eating Pets, the Haitian Wave Is Causing 'Real, Provable Problems' in Springfield, Ohio

By Michael Schwarz  September 10, 2024 at 12:57pm

In the years preceding the American Revolution, angry colonists sometimes tarred and feathered local officials suspected of conspiring against liberty. Whether those officials had engaged in a conspiracy per se made little difference. After all, the colonists recognized in those officials and their British overlords a pattern of behavior that threatened Americans’ freedom.

Speaking of feathers, in recent days the social media platform X has exploded with claims that Haitian migrants in the small town of Springfield, Ohio, have stolen and eaten both geese in the wild and, incredibly, family pets — claims that, according to Peter J. Hasson of the Washington Free Beacon, have distracted attention from “real, provable problems” caused by Springfield’s influx of Haitians.

“People fixating on an unproven rumor about Haitian migrants in Springfield eating geese are completely blowing past real, provable problems that come with putting 20,000 Haitian migrants in a town of 60,000 — e.g. the city’s health clinics and schools are taking a beating and low-income Americans are losing housing,” Hasson tweeted on Tuesday.

People fixating on an unproven rumor about Haitian migrants in Springfield eating geese are completely blowing past real, provable problems that come with putting 20,000 Haitian migrants in a town of 60,000 — e.g. the city’s health clinics and schools are taking a beating and…

— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) September 10, 2024

Hasson cited a truly disgusting article published last week by the establishment shills at Times. In short, national immigration correspondent Miriam Johnson went to Springfield to craft a story that would make the Times’s liberal readers feel good about themselves and the immigration policies President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have imposed on small-town Americans without their consent. “By most accounts,” Johnson wrote, “the Haitians have helped revitalize Springfield.”

In a passage that oozed the sort of elitist condescension one might have found on an antebellum plantation — or in modern establishment newsrooms and faculty lounges — Johnson then described members of Springfield’s newest community as gathering at churches “for boisterous, joyful services in Haitian Creole.”

Later, Johnson added an obligatory reference to “Nazi sympathizers” when describing native Springfield residents’ outrage over an immigrant who killed an 11-year-old boy in an Aug. 2023 accident. Nonetheless, amid the condescension, Johnson conceded that the arrival of approximately 20,000 Haitians since 2020 has taxed the town’s resources and done little to help the actual American citizens who already live there.

Dr. Yamini Tee gala, who has served as CEO of Rocking Horse Community Health Center since January, described the center’s tenfold increase in Haitian translation-related expenditures alone as “not sustainable.”

Meanwhile, schools have become overcrowded, and affordable low-income housing has nearly evaporated. No one, of course, blames the Haitians — at least not the ones who have refrained from any wild allegations about eating wildlife and pets. Instead, the blame rests squarely with the Biden administration and its inept policy making. Johnson referred to a “federal program that offered [Haitians] temporary protection in the United States.”

By that she meant the Biden administration’s Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans (CHNV) program. Under CHNV, the Biden administration has admitted up to 30,000 migrants per month from those four countries directly into the U.S. Employers, of course, love the program. So do landlords.

Jamie McGregor, chief executive at McGregor Metal in Springfield, praised the Haitian immigrants who filled jobs at his company. Gary Durst, a landlord who owns rental properties in Springfield, “acknowledged that some Americans have been displaced,” as Johnson put it. But that did not stop the landlord from waxing rhapsodic about his role in the town’s alleged revitalization.

“I probably have $25 million invested in this town,” Durst said. “I believe in this town. “In other words, the story has never changed. Mass immigration — in this case illegal immigration, for the federal court that refused to halt the CHNV program did not rule on its legality — benefits the affluent at the expense of ordinary citizens.

Wednesday on X, Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio — former President Donald Trump’s running mate — blasted liberals who have expressed more concern over a potentially unfounded rumor about geese and pets than they have about displaced Americans. “If you’re a reporter, or an activist, who didn’t give a s*** about these suffering Americans until yesterday, I have some advice: Spare your outrage for your fellow citizens suffering under Kamala Harris’s policies. Be outraged at yourself for letting this happen,” Vance tweeted in part.

In the end, perhaps Sean Davis of The Federalist succeeded at best encapsulating how many Americans feel about immigration. “The regime is airdropping violent, third-world illegals into peaceful rural towns in red states because the regime hates Americans who live in peaceful rural towns in red states. It’s really not more complicated than that. The regime hates you and wants you to be miserable,” Davis tweeted.

Again, few supporters of Trump and Vance would blame the Haitians. In fact, we much prefer the Haitians to the corrupt establishment politicians who capitalized on their desperation while deepening ours. We also prefer the Haitians to establishment liberals, who do a rotten job even posing as our moral superiors. In other words, we see a pattern of behavior, and we do not like it. Whether that leads to a fresh and much-needed round of tarring and feathering remains anyone’s guess.

More Economic News from Epoch Times

The BLS own data now shows that weekly real earnings among those employed have declined 6.4% since the second quarter of 2020. Total employment in the US says ADP has only grown by 6% or 1.3% a year since the peak prior to Covid in December 2019. Twenty eight percent of all individuals 18-65 years old reportedly looking for a job in the past four weeks, a ten year high.

From Moore’s Unleash Prosperity: Income Growth: Trump vs Biden/Harris.

As the chart shows, the 2023 median income of $81,610 is still $600 lower than 2019 and is almost $3,000 lower than what median income would be at just 2% growth from 2020.


The latest Census report shows that EVERY racial/ethnic group including whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians had higher income growth under Trump than Biden.  Meanwhile, one of the key measures of poverty shows that overall poverty and child poverty are higher now than when Trump was president.

From the Daily Caller of September 18th, 2024, The NYTimes Guild workers have demanded the following working conditions for their new proposed contract:

- Four day work week

- Increased pay (which already averages $190k)

- Unlimited break time

- Unlimited sick leave

- Paid pet bereavement time

- Increased benefits for “non-white” staff (illegal)

- Mandatory “trigger warnings” at the top of meetings

- The right to review op-eds before they’re published (!!!)


And our closing items, more crazy news from America.

Hillary Clinton is calling for jailing those folks that say things she doesn’t like. And if that doesn’t work, a new poll shows that 28% of Democrats registered to vote say that killing President Trump would make the country better off, according to the Daily Caller on September 18th, 2024, citing a Rasmussen Poll that also found overall, 17% of Americans registered to vote said the same.

Russia, Russia, Russia': Hillary Demands Criminal Charges For Americans "Engaged" In "Propaganda"

by Tyler Durden

Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 - 09:20 PM

Amid claims that Trump is a "danger to this country and the world," Hillary Clinton - the original sinner of 'Russia, Russia, Russia'-propaganda - has called for anyone spreading "misinformation" to be criminally charged as a "better deterrence" ahead of the election.

Transgender News

Trans-Identifying 19-Year-Old Arrested After Expressing Desire To Shoot Up Elementary School

Woman identifying as a man told her therapist she wanted to shoot kids in the cafeteria, prosecutor tells The Daily Wire

By  Mary Margaret Olohan

Sep 17, 2024

Energy News: The Climate Crisis and the War on Fossil Fuels.

September 19, 2024

Conner Swanson
Chile Emenuga
Kevin Sayegh
Sophie Lyczek


Chairman Arrington Delivers
Opening Remarks at Hearing Entitled
 “The Cost of the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis”

     WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered opening remarks at the hearing The Cost of the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis.”

Click HERE to watch Chairman Arrington’s Opening Remarks

"Our hearing today focuses on the fiscal cost and economic consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration's failed economic and energy policies. Those costs have been significant and measurable, and the consequences have been manifold and dire.

The whole government regulatory attack on conventional fuels, the increased taxes on oil and gas, and massive market-distorting green energy subsidies have choked the lifeblood of the greatest economy in the world. It's also crushed our working families with a cost-of-living crisis, and it has compromised our national security by making the United States more reliant on foreign adversaries.

The Biden-Harris Administration has issued 250 executive actions against one industry, an industry that employs 10 million people with high wage jobs and represents almost 10 percent of our total economy, and has had, no doubt, a positive impact on every facet of our daily lives by producing the most reliable, affordable, and abundant source of energy as a result of our God-given blessed resources and the most innovative and efficient energy industry operators.

We have the strongest and most dynamic economy in the world. It's why we have the greatest fighting force in the world, and it's why we are the world's superpower. But today, the failed energy policy is driven by what I believe is an extreme climate agenda that has undermined all of the above. It's resulted in higher gas prices at the pump, as high as over $5 dollars, the highest we've ever seen and experienced in this country, on average, it's been $1 dollar more per gallon in cost than the previous Administration.

The cost of electricity has gone up now 25- 30 percent for families. The total consumption cost for average-income families is almost twice what it was in the previous administration. Policies have consequences, and that consequence for families is a whopping $1,700 per family per year. These costs on the economy and our consumers, the American people, are a direct result of the policies of the Biden-Harris Administration.

On his first day in office, President Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have saved us in transportation cost and safety, $50 billion but it didn't stop there. It was all critical infrastructure in the links of the supply chain, from export terminals to permitting refineries and other pipelines. Biden-Harris’s moratorium on drilling on public lands will cost $33 billion in lost GDP and roughly 60,000 jobs. There have been overreaching and overburdening emission regulations coming out of the EPA. Think about the methane gas rule. We've seen a 66 percent reduction by the industry over the last several years in methane gas emissions.

The EV mandate alone, the tailpipe emissions, cost $870 billion over roughly 20 years. They've depleted our strategic petroleum reserves to smooth off the edge of the spike in prices, and we're now down with the strategic petroleum reserve at a 40-year low. On the subsidy side, there are $800 billion in tax subsidies for green energy corporations, and some studies say that 70 percent of that value will be accrued to China because of their rare earth mineral mining and parts to the renewable energy industry. The EV tax credit is, in many ways, going to upper-middle and upper-income individuals, and I want to dig into that with you. The impact on middle-class families and our minority communities here in the United States is hard.

The fiscal health of our country is in decline. I think we all agree with that. You can't look at the balance sheet, you can't look at CBO’s projections, you can't look at the debt to GDP, which is higher than it's been since World War II and more. We have to rein-in spending and we have to grow this economy. We must have policies that encourage and foster growth, and central to that are good energy policies. If we can grow 1 percent, we can save $3 trillion to put against the deficit. If we grow 1 percent, we can add $10,000 over 10 years and hardworking Americans’ pocketbooks. We can bring the debt to GDP down by at least 20 percentage points.

Growth is key, and the lifeblood of that growth is energy policies. We've seen the opposite of it, disastrous energy policies and disastrous results. We must make a change if we're going to get our country on a good fiscal path and hand it to our children in the manner that gives them the opportunities and prosperity that we've all enjoyed.”






Peter Huessy is a Member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee. Since 1981 he has been President of Geo-Strategic Analysis of Potomac, Maryland. He was a former special assistant to the Secretary of the Interior and consultant to the US Air Force. He can be reached at [email protected]


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