Check out our Voters Guide. We give you our MCGOP recommendations on the important November ballot.
Not only President, Senate and Congress. You even get our thoughts on non-partisan Judges, the Montgomery County Board of Education and the State and County Amendments.
Folks have started voting, the County is mailing out their first batches of ballots now. In our republic its so important to make your voice heard, and your vote count, and we'll do that. Our parties watch each other - Trust but Verify is a quote from President Reagan - rephrased from the Russian. It served him well and serves us well.
So check out our voters guide, sign up for a mail in ballot, chat politely with your family, neighbors and friends, and make your voice heard. In a democracy we choose our leaders - they're not chosen for us by the Party or the Junta. Chose wisely and make your wishes known.
We'll all work hard to have a free and fair election, it's going on now.
Check out our MCGOP Voters Guide HERE
Dennis Melby
MCGOP Chairman