Was There Something In The Water?

By Dennis Melby

Why do Montgomery County Republicans fill the ranks of the Young Republican leadership on a County, State and Federal level?

Seriously, is there something in the water that makes young folks from Montgomery particularly able to carry out leadership positions?  Cases in point:

Maria Sofia from Germantown was elected in 2019 as the Chair of the Maryland Young Republicans. Her day job is in Baltimore at the State Planning Department, and nights and weekends are taken up with statewide YR events. She was recently elected a Delegate to the GOP Convention in Charlotte.

Chris Thoms
of Gaithersburg was recently elected as Vice Chairman of the Maryland Federation of College Republicans, and in 2018 he was elected a member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee.

Matthew Foldi
of Bethesda is Chairman of the Montgomery County Young Republicans, and a former elected Republican Committeeman in Chicago, IL. He currently works in DC at the Congressional Leadership Fund.

Evan Young
of Germantown recently was named Executive Director of the National Young Republican Federation headquartered in D.C., and also serves as an officer with the MCYRs.

Matthew Johnson of Silver Spring, presently a college student and formerly among other experiences a Senate Page, became a member of the County Central Committee in 2019 (and is volunteer executive staff for this newsletter!)

Even the Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee is a YR member!

Alexander Bush, Esq. of Rockville is a Maryland native and practicing attorney in Rockville. The former radio host of Baltimore Barristers, he’s also been parliamentarian for the Maryland Republican Party. As the chief spokesperson for local Montgomery County Republicans he’s in the news all the time providing the views of the party to the local and state media.

There are plenty of other young Republicans providing leadership, more to come. But the county with the most Republicans in the state also provides a wellspring of leadership. We couldn’t be more proud.

Dennis Melby is not a Young Republican.

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