Dear Council President Friedson,

In light of the recent Montgomery County School Board budget crisis, I urge you to listen to the Montgomery County Taxpayers League’s call to work with state legislators to establish an independent Inspector General at MCPS. At this time, it appears that MCPS may be undergoing a Reduction in Force as a result of a $33 million budget deficit. This would be a terrible blow to our students and teachers.

As Joan Fidler, Board member and former President of the Montgomery County Taxpayers League said, “We need an independent MCPS Inspector General with full statutory rights to review, investigate and oversee the governance of this $3 billion enterprise.”

  • An IG that can investigate complaints,
  • An IG that can review outcomes for heavily funded programs,
  • An IG that can check for internal controls,
  • An IG that can ensure that the Board receives data and information unfiltered by unelected bureaucrats,
  • An IG that can question sole source contracts,
  • An IG that can compel the Board to comply with its findings and recommendations,
  • In sum, an IG that can hold the system accountable.
  • An IG that can provide data to the County Council.

Thank you,

Lorraine Jaffe

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