Last week we sent out the following message and want to THANK those who responded with a contribution to the MCGOP. Without your financial support, our work would not be possible. We are excited about the momentum this election cycle and know that so many of you want to participate in some way. Make your plan now to vote early and if possible, consider donating to the MCGOP. Some key highlights of our work are below.

At this time of the year, the MCGOP would typically be inviting you to our major fundraising event, the Lincoln Day Dinner.  With fewer than 60 days until election day, we made a difficult decision to cancel that event this year and instead, stay focused on outreach efforts to build voter engagement.

We hope that one day we will have adequate funds to reach certain voters by mail but that strategy is currently cost prohibitive. The good news is that we have dedicated volunteers helping us reach voters at community festivals, door knocking, candidate events, etc.

The MCGOP has also been recruiting Republican poll workers and holding the popular weekend Open Houses. Open houses allow voters to drop in to get a yard sign or other items to support candidates. Volunteers are behind the scenes fundraising, writing post cards, returning calls, producing our newsletter and social media content and much more.

Our outreach efforts are bringing us positive results with voters and issues. That is a good start but not enough. We still need funding for the final push in the 2024 election and without the Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser, we are asking you to consider making a contribution to help us cover costs for outreach, social media ads, printing the sample ballot we provide at polling sites, etc.

If you have already recently donated, we thank you very much. We also want to thank those of you who have recently connected with the MCGOP. We are thrilled to have you as part of our newsletter readership and hope that through contributing and/or volunteering, you will find a way to help us advance our work. 

After the election, we will begin planning some of our key events for early 2025 such as the Lunar New Year Dinner and the Annual Convention. We look forward to seeing you at those events.

Donations may be made online HERE or by check made payable to MCGOP and sent to MCGOP, 15833 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855.

MCGOP Finance Chair

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