Governor Hogan in Poolesville Day Parade on Saturday, 9/15

Poolseville Day

Saturday September 15 th

Governor Hogan will be participating

Join Us in the Parade !

 Sign Up Here  


Other Republican candidates will participate. Volunteers are needed.

Time:  Arrive No Later than 9:00 am

Meet Here:  Poolesville Elementary School, 19565 Fisher Avenue, Poolesville, MD

Parade Start Time:  10:00 am

Parade Route: Fisher Avenue (starting at Poolesville Elementary School and ends at intersection of Fisher Avenue & Route 109)

Contact:   Stephen McGee with any questions or 862-268-6053 regarding the Governor's participation.


MCGOP, Candidates Craig Wolf (MD Attorney General), Laurie Halverson (LD 15 Delegate), Harvey Jacobs (LD 15 Delegate), Marc King (LD 15 Delegate) and David Wilson (LD 15 Senate); and the Rural Women's Republican Club are also participating.  

Volunteers are needed to help with the booths and march in the parade.  

Please reach out to the following Poolesville Day GOP participants to help out at this important event!

MCGOP Booth: contact Jeff Brown

Craig Wolf Parade Segment:  contact: Marie Fischer-Wyrick

Laurie Halverson participation or Parade Segment:  contact: Laurie Halverson

Harvey Jacobs participation or Booth:  Sign Up Here to Help OR contact Tanner Hedger

Marc King parade participation or shared booth:  contact Mary George

David Wilson participation or Booth:  contact David Wilson

Rural Women’s Club Booth or Parade Segment: contact Patsy Dillingham


For general information about the Poolesville Day Event Click Here

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