Join Governor Hogan in MoCo Labor Day Parades !

Join Governor Hogan in Kensington in the morning and then in the afternoon in Gaithersburg at Montgomery County's Two Labor Day Parades on Monday, June 3rd.  

Sign up here to march with the Governor in Kensington:  Click Here

Sign up here to march with the Governor in Gaithersburg:  Click Here


See more information below about both parades, and who to contact to walk with MCGOP our candidates and Robin Ficker's segments in both parades.


9:00 am District 18 vehicles need to be in line on South St. Paul Street

(Across from the park. St Paul intersects with Plyers Mill Road)

9:15 am road closures go into effect

9:30 am walkers need to be in line (same location as vehicles)

10:00 am Parade Starts (takes about 1.5 hours to walk the parade)

  • Participants are asked to dress in red or patriotic colors, bring water and wear comfortable shoes
  • Volunteers are need to carry the banner, hand out candy, and give our small Maryland State Flags
  • All MCGOP candidates for office welcome to participate with the MCGOP segment of the parade.
  • For more information about parking and the parade route, click Parking or Parade Route

MCGOP and Robin Ficker -- our nominee for County Executive -- are each marching in the parade separately in Kensington.  For more information about MCGOP's segment in the parade contact Joan Pleiman.  For more information about the Ficker parade segment contact Robin Ficker.


9:00 am Street Closures begin

12 noon or earlier, line up in the parade's business section at Girard Street

1:00 pm Parade Starts (takes about 1.5 hours to complete - ends at Asbury Home near Lake Forest Mall)

  • Wear patriotic colored clothing and comfortable shoes.
  • Be prepared to walk 2-mile long parade route, bring water.
  • All MCGOP candidates for office welcome to participate with the MCGOP segment of the parade.
  • Volunteers needed to carry signs.

For more information about parking and the parade route, click for more information about Parking and Shuttle Bus Routes OR Parade Route

MCGOP and Robin Ficker -- our nominee for County Executive -- are each marching in the parade separately.  For more information about MCGOP's segment in the parade contact Josephine Wang. For more information about the Ficker parade segment contact Robin Ficker.

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