Labor Day Parade Pictures

Great fun at the 2018 Kensington and Labor Day Parades in Montgomery County

See some of the photos from both parades here:

Firefighters for Hogan

Women for Hogan, check out those pink T shirts


Amie Hoeber for US Congress CD 6

Craig Wolf for Maryland Attorney General

Robin Ficker for Montgomery County Executive


Laurie Halverson for LD 15 Delegate

Linda Willard for LD 18 Delegate

Dolores Reyes for Register of Wills

Martha Scherr (on the left) for Delegate LD 19

Jae Hwang for MoCo Sheriff

Other MoCo GOP Candidates VOTE FOR THEM ALL if on your ballot

Thanks LD 18 Volunteers !






DO NOT HORSE Around, Vote for Governor Hogan




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