Mask-free Memorial Day?

May 25, 2021

We are going gang-busters! The pandemic is rapidly in the rear view mirror. Wouldn't it be great it we could have a "Mask-free Memorial Day"?

Maybe we can, those who've been vaccinated or have recovered from the virus are now a majority of the population. However he did it, President Donald Trump managed to have Operation Warp Speed deliver the vaccines so rapidly no one can doubt it's been great for America and rapidly for the World.

Wouldn't it be great if our Republican Governor Hogan was able to remove the mask mandate in order for folks to enjoy a normal Memorial Day holiday? We'll see.

Oh, BTW, don't assume that if that happens we'll share in that freedom here in the Workers Paradise of Montgomery County. Control surpasses optimism, too many Union, Left, and Equity sign offs to think about that right now. 

But maybe...hope springs eternal!


After the story ran, an update...Nope, we didn't make it. We were the very last jurisdiction to end the Mask Mandate.

Montgomery County Republican Party