Mont. Co. Republican Central Committee supports fully reopening public schools.
Rockville, MD - The Montgomery County Republican Central Committee has announced it is backing an appeal from the “Coalition of Maryland Parents and Students” (COMPS) to fully and immediately reopen Maryland’s public schools. COMPS represents 20 Maryland Counties, 22,000 families and 800,000 students.
The coalition has expressed concern that Maryland school children have suffered “…a year of virtual learning because of widespread, unscientific policies that have deprioritized their academic, mental and physical health and made them ‘pawns’ in a game of power politics between school systems, local leaders, and teachers’ unions.”
COMPS asserts that as 80% of public and private schools across the country currently provide live in-person instruction, there is no excuse for any child in Maryland to still be relegated to inferior online learning.
The Montgomery County’s school system has ignored Hogan’s call for them to fully reopen by March 1st. The result is that 41% of Maryland students are not due to return until April or May thus adding to the toll of what is nearly 400 lost days of in-person Instruction.
According to Montgomery Republican Central Committee Chairman Reardon Sullivan, “We urge Montgomery County Public Schools leadership to follow the COMPS lead and issue new health and safety guidance including the three-foot rule and return all willing students to classrooms this spring.” Sullivan further states “Montgomery County Public Schools should be leading the way to fully opening our schools, rather than using continued delaying tactics which hurt the academic, mental and physical health of our students."
In light of the apparent abandonment of our students by the Montgomery County Council, Montgomery County Public Schools administrators and the Montgomery County Education Association (Teachers' Union), MCGOP is hosting a Zoom Seminar on Monday, April 12, 7:30PM, to discuss options for educating our students - "Charter Schools - What is Montgomery County So Afraid of?". All are welcome, please register at