Cheryl Riley is a great candidate! She has the vision and qualities necessary to represent Maryland’s 8th district in Congress. We fully endorse her candidacy in this upcoming election.
Dennis Melby
MCGOP Chairman


I am shocked and ashamed of this partisan trial where the Judge and prosecutors pushed so hard for a conviction of former President Trump so Joe Biden could use it in his re-election bid. We stand with President Trump in continuing the effort to get our Country back from this long nightmare, and we will succeed. 

My prayers for Trump and his family, and our hard work to right the ship will continue. I’m glad we all stand together. You give me hope. I can feel the change coming. 

Dennis Melby

Montgomery County GOP Chairman

Statement on Donald Trump

Congratulations to former President Donald Trump for securing the Republican nomination for President. Rarely do the American voters get a second chance to make a decision. 

In November, the records of Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be on the ballot. The voters have an opportunity to consider the results of inflation, illegal immigration, crime, and worldwide instability. 

When they do I believe the 45th President will be elected the 47th President.


Chairman, The Republican Party of Montgomery County Maryland.


The Supreme Court’s 9-0 ruling today makes clear that the people who decide who’ll be President are the American Voters. I commend their actions.

Our own Maryland Democrat Secretary of State, Susan Lee, had a similar decision and she decided to post both Haley and Trump on the Primary ballot. That was the right thing.

I’m glad most officials wish to give the voters the final say, it bodes well for Democracy.

Dennis Melby

Chairman, Republican Party of Montgomery County Maryland




Even when we had Kings and Trolls, roads and transportation were state matters, today is no exception.

The MoCo Republican Party says ACT!

It appears that the owners of both sides of White's Ferry can't cooperate for the good of the residents and businesses. It's time for the governments to step up and be an active part of the solution and make things right, fix the problem and restore public transportation at Whites Ferry. The Montgomery County Government must get together and use whatever means necessary with the Virginia landowner and/or Governor’s Office or VDOT to complete the Ferry Landing side.

The Montgomery County Executive and County Council failed to support the state funded upgrades to I-270 which would have freed us from north/south gridlock. The County leaders have a chance to redeem themselves and must step up and demand that the state buy the Montgomery County side of the ferry, at a fair market price (not eminent domain price), and do whatever it takes to get the boats, cars and trucks moving again.


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Resolution Against Antisemitism


Montgomery County Republican Party issues resolution in support of Israel and in opposition to Anti-Semitism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Rockville, MD – The Montgomery County Republican Party  

On November 14, members of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee participated in the March for Israel on the National Mall. That evening at its monthly meeting the full county Republican Central Committee voted unanimously to adopt the following resolution:


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Republicans Push Back on Tax Hike



May 21, 2023 MCGOP Central Committee

Contact: Stacey Sauter

[email protected]


Rockville, Md. – A coordinated Republican campaign throughout Montgomery County contributed to the Council’s ultimate decision to scale back a proposed property tax increase from 10% to 4.7%. The Montgomery County GOP, along with the Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors and Empower Montgomery, was a major opponent of County Executive Marc Elrich’s excessive, hoped-for tax. Between the testimony of former county executive candidate Reardon “Sully” Sullivan, and the pressure from phone calls, emails, and physical protests of Republican voters and other sensible citizens, the Council ultimately settled on a rate increase that was less than half what Elrich proposed in the 2024 budget.

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Stop Teaching Racial Hatred

Press Release

For Immediate Release
Date:  August 25, 2021
Email:  [email protected]

Phone:  301-417-9256

Opposing the teaching of racial hatred in our public schools

Testimony of Amy Waychoff

Member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee

To the Montgomery County Board of Education August 24, 2021

 Thank you for this opportunity to testify. I have lived in Montgomery County  for 33 years, and all three of my children graduated from MCPS.  

 In a recent viral video, a man in Colorado, who happens to be descended  from slaves, convinced his school board to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) with  these words: “I can think of nothing more damaging to a society than to tell a  baby born today that she has grievances against another baby born today simply because of what their ancestors did two centuries ago.” Derrick Wilburn was  referring to one aspect of CRT that is being taught right here in Montgomery  County.  

 CRT posits that White people are inherently racist, from birth, while Black  people and other minorities are victims, oppressed by the white supremacy that supposedly permeates everything.  

 MCPS will deny that its schools are teaching CRT. But this Marxist  ideology goes by many euphemisms, and one undeniably used in MCPS is the  doctrine of becoming “antiracist.” No matter how it is phrased, however, it is  racism. Earlier this year, some of our fourth and fifth graders read Tiffany Jewel’s  “This Book is Anti-Racist.” The author states,  

  • Non-White students should “go to the head of the line,” but if you are White,  “step aside.”  

 By these metrics, school board members who are White should resign immediately. Are you planning to do so? If you do not, then by your lack of action you agree that CRT is insane and absurd. 

 Also in Jewel’s book,  

  • We must “fracture the very foundation of our racist society” and “shake it all up so it can crumble.” This is a revolutionary statement.  

 Last year, Cabin John Middle School had its ENTIRE COMMUNITY read a  book coauthored by Ibram X. Kendi, who asserts that “the only remedy to racist  discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination  is present discrimination.”  

 There are many Black Americans who disagree with Kendi. Derrick  Wilburn testified that “I’m not oppressed and . . . putting CRT in classrooms is not  combating racism. It’s fanning the flames of what little embers are left.” I agree  with him: “let racism die the death it deserves.”  

Thank you for this opportunity to present my views. 


To read the entirety of Ms. Waychoff's written statement click HERE.

Ban Critical Race Theory

Montgomery County GOP Urges Government and MCPS to Ban Critical Race Theory

The Montgomery County Republican Central Committee affirms our opposition to the use of county property or public funds for the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its insidious academic movement by progressive activists to restructure perceptions and education of our students with distorted views of race in our schools.

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Reopen Montgomery County Schools

Mont. Co. Republican Central Committee supports fully reopening public schools.

Rockville, MD - The Montgomery County Republican Central Committee has announced it is backing an appeal from the “Coalition of Maryland Parents and Students” (COMPS) to fully and immediately reopen Maryland’s public schools. COMPS represents 20 Maryland Counties, 22,000 families and 800,000 students.

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