Republicans Push Back on Tax Hike



May 21, 2023 MCGOP Central Committee

Contact: Stacey Sauter

[email protected]


Rockville, Md. – A coordinated Republican campaign throughout Montgomery County contributed to the Council’s ultimate decision to scale back a proposed property tax increase from 10% to 4.7%. The Montgomery County GOP, along with the Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors and Empower Montgomery, was a major opponent of County Executive Marc Elrich’s excessive, hoped-for tax. Between the testimony of former county executive candidate Reardon “Sully” Sullivan, and the pressure from phone calls, emails, and physical protests of Republican voters and other sensible citizens, the Council ultimately settled on a rate increase that was less than half what Elrich proposed in the 2024 budget.

“We were strongly vocal in our opposition to any tax increase before reviewing the County expenses,” said Sully, a member of the Montgomery County GOP’s Executive Board. “And while 4.7% is still too much,” he added, “the Council ultimately listened to the citizen pushback and realized they were about to shoot themselves in the foot with a tax increase that is well beyond what other nearby jurisdictions have done.”

“We’re not done yet,” said Del Lamiman, Chair of the MCGOP. “We continue to hold online forums to educate voters about the County budget and its excesses. While the County Executive sold the 10% increase for schools, a review of the proposed budget reveals otherwise. To make up the gap between the proposed 10% increase and the confirmed 4.7% tax, the Council is apparently taking money out of our precious reserves.”

The MCGOP opposes any tax increases that are created without full transparency and accountability; that uses one-time resources or reserves to fund permanent programs or reduce taxes; and goes to fund Marc Elrich’s dystopian agenda for Montgomery County.


Montgomery County Republican Party