Even when we had Kings and Trolls, roads and transportation were state matters, today is no exception.

The MoCo Republican Party says ACT!

It appears that the owners of both sides of White's Ferry can't cooperate for the good of the residents and businesses. It's time for the governments to step up and be an active part of the solution and make things right, fix the problem and restore public transportation at Whites Ferry. The Montgomery County Government must get together and use whatever means necessary with the Virginia landowner and/or Governor’s Office or VDOT to complete the Ferry Landing side.

The Montgomery County Executive and County Council failed to support the state funded upgrades to I-270 which would have freed us from north/south gridlock. The County leaders have a chance to redeem themselves and must step up and demand that the state buy the Montgomery County side of the ferry, at a fair market price (not eminent domain price), and do whatever it takes to get the boats, cars and trucks moving again.


While we would prefer the continued private operation of the ferry, if this is too much for our County Government to facilitate, then the State of Maryland needs to be reminded that Whites Ferry Road is a Maryland State Road (State Route 107) and the ferry portion of that transportation route should be the responsibility of the State just as it is in most states.

Stop the isolation, stop the long-distance trips and high gas mileage, and spend the tax money generated by the greater Poolesville area to fix this problem. No more separated families, no more lack of commerce and jobs, and no more canceled simple summer trips for MoCo city folks. 

Buy the ferry, buy the dock, open up the town and reopen the way of life for upper MoCo. Do it now, two years is long enough.

If we had Republican officials, it would be done already. It took Republican leadership to open the ICC, look at what a boon it is today. Let's stop ignoring Upper Montgomery and fix this problem.


Del Lamiman, Chair

Montgomery County Republican Party

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